P. 56
(e) Keloids. Candidates having any keloid should be considered unfit.
(f) Onychomycosis. Clinically evident onychomycosis of finger and toenails
should be declared unfit, especially if associated with nail dystrophy. Mild
degree of distal discolouration involving single nail without any dystrophy
may be acceptable.
(g) Giant Congenital Melanocytic Naevus. Giant congenital melanocytic
naevi, greater than 10 cm should be considered unfit, as there is a malignant
potential in such large sized naevi.
(h) Callosities, corns and warts. Small sized callosities, corns and warts
may be considered acceptable after treatment. However candidates with
multiple common warts or diffuse palmoplantar mosaic warts, large
callosities on pressure areas of palms and soles and multiple corns should
be rejected.
(j) Psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition known to relapse and/or
recur and hence should be considered unfit.
(k) Leukoderma. Candidates suffering from minor degree of Leukoderma
affecting the covered parts may be accepted. Vitiligo limited only to glans
and prepuce maybe considered fit. But those having extensive degree of
skin involvement and especially, when the exposed parts are affected, even
to a minor degree, should not be accepted.
A history of chronic or recurrent attacks of skin infections will be cause for
rejection. A simple attack of boils or sycosis from which there has been
complete recovery may be considered for acceptance.
Individuals who have chronic or frequently recurring attacks of a skin disease
of a serious or incapacitating nature e.g. eczema are to be assessed as
permanently unfit and rejected.
Any sign of Leprosy will be a cause for rejection.
Naevi. Naevus depigmentosus, Beckers Naevus may be considered it.
Intradermal Naevus, Vascular Naevi may be considered unfit.
Ptyriasis Versicolor. Mild P Versicolor may be considered fit. Extensive
Ptyriasis Versicolor may be considered unfit.