P. 59

(iv) Non-articular rheumatism (e.g. lesions of the rotator cuff, tennis elbow,

            recurrent lumbago etc.)
            (v) Misc disorders including SLE, ,Polymyositis, and Vasculitis.
            (vi) Spondylolisthesis / spondylolysis

            (vii) Compression fracture of Vertebra

            (viii) Scheuerman’s Disease (Adolescent Kyphosis)
            (ix) Loss of cervical lordosis when associated with clinically restricted
            movements of cervical spine.

            (x) Unilateral / Bilateral Cervical ribs with demonstrable neurological or

            circulatory deficit.
            (xi) Any other abnormality is so considered by the specialist.

            Fitness for Flying Duties. The deformities/disease contained  above will

            be cause of rejection for all branches in IAF. In addition for candidates for
            flying branches the under mentioned rules will also apply: -

            (a) Spinal anomalies acceptable for flying duties: -
            (i) Bilateral complete sacralisation of LV5 and bilateral complete

            lumbarisation of SV1.
            (ii) Spine bifida in sacrum and in LV5, if completely sacralised.

            (iii) Complete block (fused) vertebrae in cervical and /or dorsal spine at a
            single level.

            (b) Spinal conditions not acceptable for flying duties.
            (i) Scoliosis more than 15 degree as measured by Cobb’s method.

            (ii) Degenerative disc disease.
            (iii) Presence of Schmorl’s nodes at more than one level.

            (iv) Atlanto - occipital and atlanto-axial anomalies.
            (v) Hemi vertebra and/or incomplete block (fused) vertebra at any level in

            cervical, dorsal or lumbar spine and complete block (fused) vertebra at more
            than one level in cervical or dorsal spine.

            (vi) Unilateral sacralisation or lumbarisation (complete or incomplete) at all
            levels and bilateral incomplete sacralisation or lumbarisation.

            Conditions affecting the assessment of Upper Limbs

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