P. 62

Genu Recurvatum. If the hyperextension of the knee is within 10 degrees

            and is unaccompanied by any other deformity, the candidate should be
            accepted as fit.

            Hip Joint. True lesions of the hip joint will entail rejection.

                                        CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM

            Relevant Personal History

            Mental Illness. A candidate giving a history of mental illness/psychological
            afflictions requires detailed investigation and psychiatric referral. Such cases

            should normally be rejected. Most often the history is not volunteered. The
            examiner should try to elicit a history by direct questioning, which may or

            may not be fruitful. Every examiner should form a general impression of
            the candidate’s personality as a whole and may enquire into an

            individual’s stability and habitual reactions to difficult and stressful


            Insomnia, Nightmare, Sleepwalking or bed-wetting. History of insomnia,
            nightmares or frequent sleepwalking, when recurrent or persistent, will be a

            cause for rejection.

            Severe or ‘throbbing’ Headache and Migraine. Common types of

            recurrent headaches are those due to former head injury or migraine. Other
            forms of occasional headache must be considered in relation to their
            probable cause. A candidate with migraine, which was severe enough to

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