P. 66

Stammering. Candidates with stammering will not be accepted for

            duties. Careful assessment by ENT Specialist, Speech therapist,
            psychologist/ psychiatrist may be required.

            Basal E.E.G. Only those candidates for aircrew duties will be subjected to
            EEG examination as specified in para 2.9.13. Those with following EEG

            abnormalities in resting EEG or EEG under provocative techniques will be
            rejected for aircrew duties: -

            (a) Background Activity. Focal, excessive and high amplitude beta activity /

            hemispherical asymmetry of more than 2.3 Hz/generalized and focal runs of
            slow waves approaching background activity in amplitude.

            (b) Hyperventilation. Paroxysmal spikes and slow waves/spikes/focal spike

            (c) Photo Stimulation. Bilaterally synchronous or focal paroxysmal spikes

            and slow waves persisting in post-photic stimulation period/suppression or
            driving response over one hemisphere.

            Non specific EEG abnormality will be acceptable provided opinion of
            Neuropsychiatrist / Neurophysician is obtained. The findings of EEG will be

            entered in AFMSF-2.

                                           EAR, NOSE AND THROAT

            Nose and paranasal sinuses.

            (a) Obstruction to free breathing as a result of a marked septal deviation is a
            cause for rejection. Post correction surgery with residual mild deviation with

            adequate airway will be acceptable.
            (b) Any septal perforation will entail rejection.

            (c) Atrophic rhinitis entails rejection.
            (d) Cases of allergic rhinitis will entail rejection for flying duties.

            (e) Any infection of para-nasal sinuses will be a cause for temporary
            rejection. Such cases may be accepted following successful treatment.

            (f) Multiple polyposis is a cause for rejection.
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