Page 71 - Failure to Triumph - Journey of A Student
P. 71
My Target Service Selection Board (SSB)
8. Loud and clear voice give you advantage in discussion , when all are members are speaking at
same time or when someone is trying to interrupt you in between your point your voice will
support you if it is enough loud and clear.
9. Crux of the GTO is knowledge & communication skills. And good thing is that both can be
developed by working over it.
Role of Communication Skills in a GD
GD is a selection parameter for almost all good exams and this test judges a lot many things of the
candidates. Effectively GD judges 3-4 OLQ’s in one go for a candidate. So GD could be a good
opportunity to prove yourself and your qualities which no doubt would be tested through other tests in
the series. What and how should a GD be done has already been cleared in my previous articles. In
this article I will focus more on what is the role of effective communication.
Communication is really very important as it leads to a clear flow of data in the group and everybody
contributes to get the problem resolved or discuss the minute of the details for the topic given.
Communication does not simply means speaking good English, a lot more is needed for this. The
member having effective communication skill should have the clear idea of what the topic is all about
and what and how to represent the data for it. The data flow in a particular order is the most important
so that the clear information flows from one end to the other. Also in this manner his points would be
accepted by the group and more additions to the information could be done. The following could be
1. Effective communication can lead to attention of the group and group member acceptance builds
in. This is a very essential quality of a person because during the time of crisis one should be radically
accepted by the group so that the team performs well in the same.
2. Also every time a person speaks there should be some valuable contribution to the discussion and
not just speaking skills are being shown. If value addition is felt, members will go along and this can
work in positive direction for the aspirants.
3. GD and debate are always different. There you can hold a motion and continuously speak for the
motion or against, but in GD a clear viewpoint needs to be established related to the topic.