Page 14 - Graphic1
P. 14
SSB | 5
3. The sound made by a pig is—(a) Twitter (b) Neigh (c) Grunt (d) Bark.
4. Doctor is to patient so teacher is to…………………
(Answer is Student)
5. Lion is to den then dog is to ……………………
(Answer Kennel).
6. Cat is to mew so vulture is to ………………
(Answer scream)
7. 128,64,32,18,8,4,2,2. Options (a) 60, (b) 16, (c) 4, (d) 32.
Answer—18 Explanation–Every number in the series is proceeding in the following manner. 128 /
2 = 64, 64 / 2 = 32, 32 / 2 = 16 therefore 18 is the odd one out.
8. 7, 8, 12, 21, 37, 60, 80. Option (a) 8, (b)12, (c) 21, (d) 37, (e) 60.
Answer is 60.
Explanation—The difference between two adjacent numbers is proceeding in a series which is in
the following manner (1) = 1, (2) = 4(3) = 9(4) = 16 and so on, so the difference between 37 and
60 should be 25. Therefore 60 is the odd one out.
9. 9, 121,169,225,289.
Answer is “9”.
10. APPLE, BANANA, CARROT, PINEAPPLE. Answer is—Carrot (Remaining three belong to a
single family)
11. Jumbled words : EALENI PPP is a fruit, and you will have to write the last latter of the exact
word. The answer is ‘E’ as the word is Pineapple.
12. T O U Q B E is given to show regard and love, you have to write the second last letter. The word is
B O U Q U E T and the answer is E.
13. Jumbled Sentences : CHILD, SPARE AND THE SPOIL, THE ROD.
Answer is child.
Method : In these type of jumbled sentences first you will have to arrange the sentence and then
act according to the question. In these type of sentences, sense of context will only help you.
14. Logical Reasoning : Mohan is older than Ram, Shyam is older than Mohan, Ramesh and Ram are
of the same age.
Option :
1. Ram is the eldest one,
2. Mohan is older than Shyam
3. Shyam is youngest of all
4. Ram and Mohan are of the same age.
5. None of these Solution : Shyam > Mohan > Ram = Ramesh.
Answer will be 5 that is none of these.
OIR Tests [Officers Intelligence Rating Tests]—OIR tests are the test which are given on the
first day for screening in SSB. These tests are defined as verbal and non-verbal tests. Verbal tests
are those where language is used and in non-verbal tests where graphing is used. These test are
virtually I.Q. tests.
(i) Verbal Test—(i) Analogies—Analogies are the similarity between two same or different items.
(ii) Ex—If white is to Black then Vice is to virtuer.
# If ascend is to descend than what is to attack ?
(A) Defence (B) Withdrawal (C) Retreat (D) Escape
Ans. (C)
# If tomorrow is to yesterday then what is to Monday ?
Ans. Saturday.