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                   formation stage takes place with the candidates arriving at the Board and in grouping these candidates
                   into small groups on the basis of age, school repeaters etc.
                   Confirmatory Series Differentiation
                      (9) The GTO now having had a look at the Group as a whole has formed certain opinions of the
                   group as also individual candidates. He would naturally like to confirm his findings and resolve any
                   doubt he may have. The second phase of Group Testing i.e., the Confirmatory Series confirms to the
                   Differentiation Stage of GESTAULT’S theory and the tasks in this series are designed to enable the
                   GTO to have a closer look at a candidate s working in smaller groups or individually. These tasks are

                                      1                                                      2
                                             The Half Group Task    Individual Obstacles, and
                                                       3                        4
                                                  Lecturette            Command Task
                      (10) This series therefore, shifts the GTO’s observations from the general view to
                   a close up or pin pointing of the behaviour pattern. In this selective differentiation of
                   the candidates behaviour the GTO concentrates on the less clear parts which are of
                   critical importance to the total picture he is trying to build. With this increased
                   differentiation there is a continuous referal back from the pin pointed ability to the
                   general ability in order to understand the overall pattern of the candidate.
                      (11) By this time a particular behavioural pattern has been established by the candidates and the
                   bits and pieces have fallen into place to form a mental picture in the mind of the GTO. Now, only the
                   touching up remains and the GTO proceeds to the last and final stage of Group Tasking—the Final
                   Final Series, Final Group Task (Re-integration Stage)
                      (12) The last task is known as the Final Group Task. The GTO moves back as it were, to look at the
                   group as a whole–to further confirm or rebut his findings and resolve any doubts that may still remain.
                   This task provides the GTO with a global view of the personality of each individual. It also helps in
                   removing any Halo effect that might have been created in the individual tasks. The GTO seeks a final
                   consideration of the following aspects of the candidates. Practical-Imagination, Work-sense,
                   Organisation, Co-operation, Group Mindedness, Initiative, Reasoning and Impact on the Group, and the
                   knowledge gained from all the tasks done.
                      (13) After    detensing, the GTO walks off the field with his factuals and the mental picture of the
                   candidates. Based on this, he writes his reports–establishing the level of each. The translation of this
                   level into a rating scale and in terms of marks enables the GTO to go the Board Conference with clear
                   ideas and convictions–but with a degree of flexiblity in accepting views of the other two Techinques.

                                                       Lesson 8
                                          Pilot Aptitude Battery Test

                   Leadership and Selection, Stress and Stability
                      (14) In addition to the GTO battery of tasks the flying branch GTOs are also required to administer
                   the Pilot Aptitude Battery Tests to the category of candidates mentioned earlier.
                      These tests are divided into two parts and administered only once in a life time for Service Pilots.
                   The first part is a written test and is made up of two sections. This test is known as the Instrument
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