Page 225 - Graphic1
P. 225

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                         All groups face difficulties in decision-making, some of the reasons for inadequate decision-making
                   are :
                                  a                        b                          c

                     Fear of consequences : The   Conflict of loyalties : To   Interpersonal conflict : Which
                     responsibility falls heavily   oneself to cliques or to   may  bring  individuals  in
                     on one s shoulders.         the group as a whole.    competition hostility, antipathy
                                                                          or loyalty towards someone

                                                      Lesson 10
                                           Tests and their valuation

                      I shall now take you to a brief insight into group tests and their valuation.
                      Men and the jobs they perform differ from each other in many ways. As it is well known, the
                   efficiency of an organisation depends upon the effective utilisations of human resources, which can be
                   achieved only if the man and the job match each other. This matching of the attributes of the worker
                   with the equipment of the job is impossible without some kind of measurement or appraisal.
                      The effectivenss of manpower utilisation is gauged by considerations as :—

                                                                     how much
                                            How well     1     2    satisfaction
                                          people perform           each individual
                                            their job ?               finds in
                                                              3     performance
                                                                     of his job ?
                                                        How much
                                                      satisfaction comes
                                                    to other people–seniors,
                                                      equals and juniors,
                                                       with whom he
                                                        works in the
                                                       organisation ?

                      Likewise, utility of the individual to the organisation will also be conditioned by his trainability,
                   potentiality, motivation and consistency in the performance of his job.
                      Tests which could be designed to find answers to such questions will contribute significantly to the
                   improvement of selection methods and therefore to the effectiveness of the organisation. Pyschological
                   testing aims to gather information which may provide answers to these questions.
                      In industry, the personality tests have helped in selection, classification and promotion. Tests can
                   be tailor-made for practically any job in industry. These tests will help in the placement of personnels
                   also. Despite all this progress, Psychological testing has certain limitations and has often invited
                   adverse criticism like over productivity, lack of comprehensive coverage, over-emphasis on test results,
                   invasion of privacy, high cost and low validity. The experts, are therefore, concerned in finding out
                   whether tests will actually help in making good and stable predictions of (on-the-job-behaviour) this
                   can be considered as the basic problem in the development of tests and testing procedures.
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