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                      Comments—Instead of trying several times to speak, No. 5 was not able to share his ideas among
                   group members but getting promotional No. 5 gave his ideas. This behaviour of No. 2 projects his
                   analytical ability to search participants (weakers). His supportive nature is also evident.
                      No. 7 (Interrupts No. 5)—According to me, this deal obliquely maintains India’s right to test in
                   future, it also provides USA credible grounds to end the deal in case India conducts any test. That can
                   prove dangerous for our country’s security.
                      Comments—This time No. 7 came logically with his point. But he snatched chance of the
                   participant who was already lacking in confidence. So he can’t be promoter. Also No. 7 is in habit of
                   not to allow weaker to speak.
                      Chest No. 6—(Could not give even a single point in G.D.)
                      Comments—No. 6, due to lack of ideas could not speak even he did’t support any one. Because of
                   this he lost integrity with the group. As he could not become a good speaker, he was also not able to
                   prove a good listener. During the entire course of G.D. he spelt his uncomfort and frustrating nature in
                   the group.
                      Chest No. 1—(Indicates No. 7)—Global warming is knocking the door of world pollution level at
                   its top. Within no loss of time every country either be developed, developing or poor must think over
                   reduction of carbon omission. For this cause nuclear energy can be proved a boon.
                      Comment—No. 1 spoke once but raised very demanding point body language was right. For
                   sometimes he was having one to one with No. 7. which should be avoided. His manner of submissive
                   and voice was soft spoken, so proved himself effective in the group.

                                                      Lesson 13
                                                  Topics for G.D.
                                           Group Discussion Topics

                    1. Seeing the persent state at which our country is progressing, which field in your opinion we should
                      lay extra stress—
                      (A) Industrial development           (B) Agricultural development
                      (C) Population
                    2. Seeing the present state at which our country is progressing, which field in your opinion is the
                      major reason behind the brain drain ?
                      (A) Lack of opportunity              (B) Lack of infrastructure
                      (C) Lust for more money
                    3. Selling / Transfer of human organs is on the increase these days, lot of such cases appear in news
                      frequently. In your opinion—
                      (A) This should be legalised         (B) This should be banned
                      (C) Monitored through Govt. agencies
                    4. Beauty competitions and pageants are held all over the world and it is becoming popular in India
                      also. In your opinion—
                      (A) It is waste of time and money
                      (B) Helps upliftment of Indian Women
                      (C) Affects role of Indian Women in family building
                    5. Building of personality is a very complex process. Who in your opinion influences the most in
                      personality building of a child ?
                      (A) Parents                          (B) Friends
                      (C) Teachers
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