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                      assessing the situation in planning exercise and his objectives. Assume that your group has gone
                      there with some purpose (collection of rare plants, to visit architectural ruins of historical
                      importance, to participate into some exercise, route march are some common reasons/justifications
                      that would lead the group into that environment.)
                   ●  Introduction of Problems. Now you will encounter a string of problems in the situation. You will
                      find these problems of different nature and of varying degree of difficulty. Remember, the scope of
                      these problems is unlimited and exclude nothing from the list of death, burglary, attack of robbers,
                      blowing of railway tracks/bridges, smuggling of national secrets, injury, communal riots, fire and a
                      lot more. The list of such problems is really unlimited.
                   What You Are Required To Do In GPE ?
                      You are then, asked to present :—
                   ●  Firstly, your own individual plan of action in the situation. You are required to write your plan
                      within ten minutes on a paper supplied to you and submit it to the GTO. These individual plan are
                      evaluated by the GTO later.
                   ●  Secondly, the group has to present one plan that is acceptable to all members. This is to be
                      presented orally by any members (either volunteer or nominated by the group) to the GTO on
                      behalf of the group.
                   Importance/Purpose/Function of GPE
                      Group planning exercise further communicates the individual differences among the group
                   members in respect of those qualities that make a leader. This is an astute way through which the GTO
                   allows you to compare your own qualities vis-a-vis’ others. The plan submitted by you is not known to
                   other members. However, the most acceptable plan is the amalgamation of the best from all the
                   members it must be within the knowledge of others. The best plan cannot come out till all members
                   present their views for consideration and correction by the group. You come to know whose ideas have
                   been incorporated/who has contributed maximum to the group plan.
                    The GPE thus gives further an opportunity to group members to compare each other in terms
                    of ideas, their strength and application. The group mentally prepares to accept the influence of
                    the person who contributes maximum to shape the group plan.
                   How To Do Well In GPE ?

                    Group planning exercise reflects on a number of qualities in the OLQ’s profile. Some of them
                    are manifested directly and with greater force while others indirectly and in subtle way. The
                    GPE mainly reflects on the qualities of effective or practical intelligence, logic, resourcefulness,
                    planning and organisation. Other qualities like determination, courage and sense of
                    responsibility are reflected indirectly . Effective presentation of your plan depends on your
                    power of expression. But the main vehicle of your qualities is your problem solving behaviour.
                      Problem solving behaviour is a composite behaviour that involves effective intelligence, grasp
                   (aided by the logical ability and intelligence), resourcefulness (imagination, application, exploration),
                   planning and organisation and will to succeed (determination). With this understanding we see what
                   are essential elements to be followed for doing well in the GPE.
                      Be attentive to instructions—Group Testing Officer will explain the situation in detail. You must
                   listen to rather carefully. Remember, the best impression is formed when you have the ‘total’
                   information. If you miss some or the other element of situation, your plan might be affected in totality.
                      List out the problems—The situation presented to you in the GPE contains a string of problems.
                   The number of problems is not certain. You may find two to three or even more number of problems in
                   a situation.
                      Analyse the problems and prioritise them—Problems given in the situation vary in
                   degree of difficulty from each other. Every problem varies from the other in terms of
                   importance, urgency, complexity and number of sub-elements involved in it. Some
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