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                   and the will to contribute towards group effort, during Group discussion and Group planning are signs
                   of mental courage. The attitude of a candidate in assessing the situation in planning exercise and his
                   choice of solution would be significant pointers. In field work situations, an individual’s approach to
                   physical hazards, his participation, his appreciation significantly of his own and other’s capabilities, are
                   useful indicators. The individual obstacles may not significantly reveal the presence or absence of
                   courage as they are designed to test primarily a man’s ability to plan the use of his body and muscular
                   skills. In some obstacles, however, timidity, bravado and courage may be noticeable.

                                                      Lesson 15
                                  Practicing Exercise of Group Planning
                                                       Exercise 1
                      You are a group of friends from village Kabir Nagar going in a Jeep to witness a festival match
                   between a famous Foreign Football Team and our National Team. The match will be held at District
                   Head Quarter Bihat. Bihat is name of city. You all have bought tickets for the 4 : 30 PM match in
                   advance. You are going to the farm house to pickup another friend on the way. Your Jeep gets stuck in
                   wet mud North of the road.
                      As you walk to the farm house the chaukidar Ramu informs you that only an hour ago, some
                   dacoits had raided the farm. They had forced the farmer to part with nearly One Lakh Rupees. They had
                   beaten up the farmer mercilessly and took away Ramu’s son as ransom for another One Lakh Rupees.
                   The ransom was to be delivered at sunrise the next day at the dacoit’s hide out in the Ruins. Presently,
                   the farmer was bleeding and lying unconscious.
                      As you are contemplating your next course of action, your friend arrives running to the farm and
                   informs, that a lame tiger had been spotted south of the hills. Deoria is a District Head Quarter. Rangpur
                   has Primary Health Care Centre.
                      Time now is 3 : 00 P.M.

                                                          KALINDI RIVER

                                KABIR           FARM HOUSE
                                NAGAR                                        BIHAT 10 Km .


                                                                               BSF CAMP

                                                       INTERNATIONAL BORDER      KMs
                                                                             01 23 4 5 67
   232   233   234   235   236   237   238   239   240   241   242