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P. 231
222 | SSB
6. Pollution is on the increase every-day and it is also one of the major problems which the world is
facing today. Who in your opinion is the major contributor to the problem ?
(A) Industrial development (B) Growing population
(C) Deforestation
7. For any organisation to progress, it is important that it gets optimum output from its employees.
What is your opinion ? Should it be done to get the optimum output from the employees ? If yes,
how ?
(A) Better pay and perks (B) Cordial working environment
(C) Output oriented remunerations
8. Often there is much debate about the methods employed for job selection. Every method has some
plus and some minus points. In your opinion, what should be given more weightage in selection ?
(A) Educational Qualification (B) Previous Experience
(C) Performance in the entry/screening test
9. For every developing country it is important to have mission. What in your opinion should be the
mission of India as of today ?
(A) Eradicate Poverty by 2020 (B) Become Developed Nation by 2020
(C) Become Asian Power by 2020
10. Sports have been inseparable part of human life since times immemorial. Every country prides
itself in having one or two as their national sports. What in your opinion should be chosen as our
national sports ?
(A) Kabaddi (B) Hockey
(C) Cricket
11. Crime rate is on the increase. The problem is even more grave when you consider the rising
number of young and teenage criminals. What in your opinion is the main cause of rising crime
graph ?
(A) Fragmented society (B) Effect of Media
(C) Foreign Hand
12. Last five general elections have given a fragmented mandate with no single party achieving clear
majority. This has resulted in weak and unstable governments. Who you think is responsible for
fragmented mandate ?
(A) Voters (B) Politicians
(C) Foreign Hand
13. United Nations Organization was formed with a specific aim. To achieve this aim various
programmes are made. Which programme in your opinion is more important than the others
keeping in view today’s scenario ?
(A) Eradication of Poverty (B) Universal Literacy
(C) Population Control
14. Satellite TV network has come a big way in our Indian Society. What in our opinion is the effect of
this on our society ?
(A) Improve the quality of life (B) Increased frustration in youth
(C) Setback to our culture
15. The Kargil conflict and its effects on Indian economy. Discuss.
16. Army’s role in fighting Terrorism/militancy and its effect on the readiness of Army to face any
challenge from enemy during war.