P. 21

Essay 5:

                                      Improving Willpower

                                         and Determination

            People with good willpower and determination are happier and more

            successful than those who are weaker in these qualities. It is a vital quality

            required for most of our difficult endeavours. The quality is far more impor-

            tant than talent. Willpower can be improved. Just the way we can improve

            our physical muscles, so can we improve our willpower. In this blog we shall

            discuss simple practical ways to improve our willpower and determination.

            Health  is Important 

            Willpower is a mental quality. It is however dependent upon the health of

            the body. A hungry and tired man will display weaker willpower compared

            with a person with matching inherent qualities who has had a good sleep

            and is well fed. In our efforts to improve our will power we need the support

            of healthy eating, sleeping and exercise habits.

            Train the ‘Willpower muscle’ with Small Steps

            We can apply the analogy of physical muscles to increasing our

            willpower and determination by gradually loading the muscle to increase

            strength. Under training will not help and overtraining will injure the muscle

            (deplete willpower). If you want to run a marathon from the level of being

            able to run one km you will find the target overwhelming. This is the prob-

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