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lem which causes most people to give up early. They cannot believe that the
goal is attainable. It is however, very much possible to add one km, or 500m
per week to your current level. In this manner you can reach the capability to
run marathon in about one year. Imagine how much physical and mental
strength improvement is practicable in one year! If you are impatient with
your progress you are likely to end up having abandoned the plan. Step by
step is the right approach to attain our long term goals.
Meditation for Willpower
Regular meditation is a great way to improve willpower. It is a direct way to
control our thoughts and prevent them from wandering in an undesired and
unproductive manner. Even 10 min per day will help to improve willpower.
Small Steps in Self Control
Plan goals and actions for one hour, or one day and strive to attain them.
Push yourself beyond your comfort zone of effort, but do not overdo it. Do
not feel frustrated by your rate of progress, but have patience. Reward your-
self for little improvement. This will lead to bigger improvements by and by
(just like the marathon running logic explained above).
Improve Self Control to Overcome Bad Habits Step by Step
You may be drinking too much tea, gossiping too much, wasting time on so-
cial media, overspending, having low attention span, or having any undesir-
able habit. All these have to be overcome by the small steps method of pa-
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