P. 27
Diverse Interests, Sports and Games Improve Reasoning Ability
Chess and cross word puzzles are popular games for mental exercise. Various
other games, both mental and physical provide scope for improving the
mental muscles. The more we get out of our comfort zones the better chal-
lenge we provide to our mind to grow.
The above discussion would have clarified that reasoning ability can be im-
proved. There are a large number of ways in which this can be achieved.
Some important methods have been discussed above. Please understand
that training of mental muscles is just like the physical muscles. Parents
must allow the children to exert their minds to solve problems and not pro-
vide immediate solutions, thus depriving the young minds of vital exercise.
Grown up adults, when confronted with complex problems must break them
down into simpler and smaller steps and solve them. As we solve more, di-
verse and challenging problems in life our problem solving skills are consis-
tently improving and thus our reasoning ability.
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