P. 28

Chapter 2

                     Psychology Tests : Facts You

                                         Should Know

            Personality assessment conducted in SSBs is based on the science of psy-

            chology. Psychology is not an absolute science, unlike the physical sciences

            known to us. It implies that there are not always definite, ‘yes/no’ answers to

            problems or situations.

            Psychology tests  in SSB are conducted based on projective technique. Pro-

            jective technique works on the established fact that when we describe am-

            biguous stimuli, we actually describe ourselves, and reveal our personalities,

            the conscious part (of which we are well aware) and even the unconscious

            part (of which we are unaware). The unconscious part of the brain is assessed

            by some as being 9/10th part and conscious only 1/10th part. In projective

            technique, a person is shown ambiguous stimuli (such as words, situations

            or pictures) and asked to interpret them in some way. Such stimuli allow rel-

            ative freedom in projecting one’s own interests and feelings into them and

            reacting in any way that seems appropriate. Projective techniques are be-

            lieved to be sensitive to unconscious dimensions of personality. Defence

            mechanisms, latent impulses, and anxieties can be inferred from data gath-

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