P. 37
Whatever you do, don’t do this...
Don’t outshout others! When you come to the discussion stage 75% of the
assessment is already over and only your group behaviour is being assessed.
Your ability to get along with the group as well as ability to influence the
group is being assessed. By shouting you only display poor group behaviour.
It is common practice for SSB repeaters to try and outshout each other in
group discussion stage of PPDT. This is not a sensible practice. By doing so a
candidate not only lowers his chances of success but that of others as well. I
have explained as to why candidates should not outshout in PPDT.
Outlook of Outshouting
The practice of outshouting in PPDT displays a ‘scarcity mentality’. Posses-
sion/display of this outlook lowers chances of selection. In simple words it
displays the following qualities about the individual who is trying to out-
shout others:
• Lack of self confidence.
• Sense of insecurity.
• Poor team spirit.
Majority of the candidates who outshout display the outlook:
“Let me be unsuccessful but I will also make others fail with me!”
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