Page 11 - WMPF Federation DEC 2019-flip_Neat
P. 11

people have a variety of               “Agreeing to the revised process,
       responsibilities both at            procedure and administration, the     Emma’s story
       work and away from the              Detective Academy Strategy Group hopes
       work place. The changes             to open up the Detective Academy process   I have been a single
       to the process have been            to as wide a group of people as possible.  working mother for the
       designed and                           “This year was another very successful   last three years and I
       implemented to help all             year for the Detective Academy and we are   have been trying to
       candidates balance the              busy planning and preparing for the 2020   balance work-life
       demands of the NIE   Detective      process. As soon as we have finalised the   commitments for that
       process with their other   Superintendent   details, we will announce the launch of   time, putting my career
       responsibilities. Therefore  Anthony Tagg.  Detective Academy 2020 through News   on hold while I focused
       giving all candidates a             Beat. Becoming a detective offers an   on bringing up my son,
       better chance to secure the success in the   exciting, rewarding and challenging career   states PC Emma Bushe, adult investigation
       NIE that they undoubtedly want.     path that I would recommend to everyone.”   officer in Team 3.
                                                                                    Now my son is slightly older I thought it
                                                                                 was my opportunity to try to progress my
        What is the Detective Academy?                                           career and train to be a DC as I work in PPU.
                                                                                 I knew from others that the exam was hard
                                                                                 work and required a lot of commitment and
                                                                                 sacrifice. It is something I had been
                                                                                 debating about for a while and decided to
                                                                                 act on it instead of just merely thinking
                                                                                 about it.
                                                                                    I knew it was possible to defer the exam
                                                                                 to a later date for those in certain
                                                                                 circumstances and therefore giving more
                                                                                 time than three months to study. I asked DS
                                                                                 Gittins about this when I enrolled for the
                                                                                 much earlier exam but the answer then
                                                                                 was not favourable. I left feeling a little
                                                                                 jaded but started my revision.
                                                                                    It is not possible for me to revise in
                                                                                 work’s time as I am always busy. Out of
        The Detective Academy, which has just   into the detective world and is designed to   work’s time, I have responsibility for my
        recruited its third year of entrants, is West   give officers and police staff the chance to   child so the only time I would be able to
        Midlands Police’s approach to recruiting   achieve a rewarding career while providing   study is in the evening. With my son going
        and training detectives.           the Force, and the public, with the best   to bed at 7.30, this would give me an hour
           Officers and police staff who pass   trained, experienced and motivated   and a half.
        through the academy are given the   detectives.                             From the study material and the
        opportunity to train and qualify as a      All areas of the Force that employ   amount of it, I started to feel very
        detective and then be offered a career   detectives are working with the learning   overwhelmed and worried. Had I made the
        pathway allowing them to develop skills   and development team to put in place an   right decision? DS Gittins then called me a
        across the Investigative arena.    accreditation programme.              few weeks later to say that she would
           They can then work, over time, in areas      To gain a place in the academy, officers   support me deferring to the later exam.
        as diverse as homicide, child abuse,   have to attend an assessment event      “Not only was I balancing work but I am
        professional standards, anti-corruption   involving a written work-based exercise and   also in the process of selling my house so
        and counter terrorism.             a presentation to a panel including a   this for me made a huge difference. I have
           The academy will be the single route   detective inspector.           not been as stressed and I have been able to
                                                                                 focus properly. There are still days when
                                                                                 revision is just not possible and I struggle to
                                                                                 get an hour in, however, I know that
                                               I was becoming very stressed while
        Kathryn’s story                       trying to fit everything in and it started   because I have been given the leeway for
                                                                                 the March exam I don’t need to ‘panic
        Having a longer amount of time to study   to take its toll on me and my family. I   revise’ where I’m reading a page but it’s not
        allows us to retain a home-life balance. Our   spoke to DS Gittins about my issues and   going in.
        job is very demanding on us, we work long   being allowed to delay my exam and      I think it is a massive undertaking and
        hours and our work can be emotionally   offer me more time to study has really   big ask for anyone to revise and learn the
        draining. We need down time without   lightened the load for me.         course material in three months. It is very
        thinking about work.  If study can be      I am very grateful for this and I feel   stressful and just having the extra three
        spread out this massively reduces the   that this would be a benefit to all. Not   months has afforded me piece of mind and
        pressure we feel, I particularly have other   everyone wants to speak about issues   the ability to do the best I can while still
        issues to deal with outside of work and I   they may have at home and may be   maintaining my work-life balance and
        am not alone in this, says PC Kathryn   struggling their way through. A longer   looking after my son. I am very grateful to
        Sargent, who works in adult care abuse   study period would help to make life that   DS Gittins for being able to achieve this for
        investigation Team 1.               little bit easier.                   me and hope that it reflects in the exam.
                                federation December 2019/January 2020       11
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