Page 13 - WMPF Federation DEC 2019-flip_Neat
P. 13

Supporters’ stories

        Having been inspired to enter, Damian                                    Sally Clark is one of a number of runners
        Baxter from the Force Support Unit has                                   taking part in the Liverpool marathon
        decided to cycle to Liverpool from Lloyd                                 events who doesn’t work in policing.
        House on Saturday 23 May.           Sally Astwood has been a police officer      But Sally was inspired to sign up
           “Planning is underway with a     with the Force for almost 26 years and   when she saw Sharon Johnson in
        proposed route of 107 miles, with two or   works on the same team as ACC Chris   September.
        three pitstops for a cuppa, sandwich and   Johnson’s wife, Sharon. She joined the      “We own a garage and look after
        a cake to fuel us,” says Damian.    marathon team to improve her own     Sharon’s car so we’ve become friends,”
           “I’m also looking for a few more   fitness but also get behind the cause.  says Sally, “She dropped her car in to us
        volunteers to ride with us or support us      “I’m 53 – soon to be 54 – and started   and was in her running gear so I asked
        on the day. Please let me know if wish to   running seriously about five years ago. In   her what she was doing and she told me
        join us on the ride or be part of our   that time, I’ve run a number of events   about the marathon. I run myself,
        support crew. Good luck to everyone!   including about 10 half marathons, 10ks   normally around 10k, but I’d lost my
        #WMPMND.”                                                                mojo.
                                            and aquathons. The Rock ‘n’ Roll half
                                            seemed an ideal opportunity to get      “I asked if I could join the team and I
        Chrissy Naccarato, a Force business   involved for an amazing cause and try to   have been training ever since so at the
        analyst, was convinced to take part in   push myself that bit further so I’ve got   moment I am doing about 10 miles a
        the marathon by colleague and WMP   myself a coach and I am aiming for a sub   week with a local running club.
        Federation representative Rod Rose.  two-hour time,” says Sally.            “Sharon has really inspired me, she is
           “Back in August, I was on holiday                                     so lovely and when I don’t feel like
        when I got a text off Rod asking if I                                    running, I think of why I am doing it, put
        wanted to run a half marathon. I initially                               my running stuff on and get out there.”
        turned it down because there was no way   Sergeant Jon Butler wants to take part      Sally adds: “I did Couch to 5k about
        I could run that far, however, after about a   in the Liverpool event as a small token of   two years ago to get back into running
        day or so of him texting and offering   the gratitude he feels towards ACC Chris   but, while I had always run since school, I
        support, he convinced me I could do it   Johnson and all he has done for officers   never fancied doing a half marathon.
        and before I knew it my place was booked   during his career.            Now I can’t wait. I feel that it’s something
        for the half marathon,” she explains.     Jon, who has been with the Force   I can do to help Chris and Sharon. I’ve met
           Chrissy admits her fitness levels have   since 2004 and has been a traffic officer   Chris at the garage; he’s such a lovely
        dropped to rock bottom over the last 12   since 2009, has been running for several   man and so brave.”
        months due to work commitments and   years with his first race being in support
        signing up has helped motivate her to get   of the road safety charity, Brake, after   DC Sarah Rose, who works in PPU, was
        back into the gym.                   which he took part in the London    asked to join the team by Kelly
           “Doing the half marathon for MNDA   Marathon to raise money for Walsall   Monaghan (Bebe) who she knows
        and Primrose Hospice was the perfect   Manor Hospital’s neo-natal ward. Last   through running for the Force.
        reason to get back into my fitness,” she   year he ran the Birmingham Half      She had just made the decision to
        adds.                                Marathon for the Benevolent Fund.   hang up her running trainers and
           The furthest Chrissy has ever run      “I first met Chris Johnson when he   concentrate on cycling but was soon
        before is 5k and that was a few years ago   was chief superintendent at BWC where   persuaded to come out of retirement!
        so Chrissy knows the event is going to   he was giving a talk to new sergeants      “I’ve run since a young age,
        push her to the limit. However, she is not   about leadership,” says Jon, “What he   culminating in representing Great
        aiming for a personal best but just wants   said sticks with me today and I like to   Britain. I’m the current British Police cross
        to get over the finish line!         think that moment inspired my journey   country champion. I am totally inspired
                                             as a leader in WMP. I am also running the   and love hearing about everyone
                                             London Marathon again as well as the   achieving their goals even if that goal is
        Michelle Thurgood, a detective inspector   Liverpool half to raise money for MNDA   to run one mile non-stop,” says Sarah.
        with the Force, started running 18   and Primrose Hospice. I couldn’t think of      “To think there are people who
        months ago after joining ‘This Girl Runs   a better cause to raise that money for.   cannot run due to health reasons makes
        Couch to 5k’. Despite always being fit,   Chris is nothing short of an inspiration to   me realise how much running means to
        running had always defeated her.     so many of us and this is just a small   me. I watched the ‘Good Morning Britain’
           “Running was something that has   token of the gratitude I have for all he   interview and was so inspired by Chris
        really frustrated me as I’ve got older,   has done for all of us during his career.”  and his wife, Sharon, that I have entered
        however,  I now run two or three times a      Jon is currently sergeant with the   the marathon. Training is going well with
        week but have struggled to get past 7k,”   road harm prevention team based with   my goal at this moment in time being
        she says.                            the Central Motorway Police Group.  consistent with training.
           “Having worked with Chris, I saw this                                    “I wish everyone the best in their
        as a way to drive myself forward and push                                training. A big well done to Trudy and
        to achieve a goal I’m still not sure I can                               Chris Jones for all their hard work.”
        make, but for Chris I’m going to give it a
        damn good try!”                                                                    Feature continued on Page 15                                 federation December 2019/January 2020       13
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