Page 17 - WMPF Federation DEC 2019-flip_Neat
P. 17

Police Federation centenary celebration

                                        ‘I’m on your side and

                                        I’ve got your back’

                                                                                John Apter, national chair of the Police
                                                                                Federation, listens to Home Secretary Priti
                                                                                Patel’s speech to the event.

            he ‘bravery, commitment and    local community.”                    highlights as Home Secretary, so far, had
            sacrifices’ of police officers have been      Speaking about the dangers officers   been working with Federation chair John
       Tpraised by the Home Secretary.     face, she said: “Each day, I ask myself, do   Apter, saying it is ‘completely right that he is
          Priti Patel said it had been ‘humbling’ to   people truly understand how unpredictable,   holding myself and the Government to
       meet some of the ’most remarkable officers’   dangerous and challenging the work of a   account on our commitments’.
       from across the country, during her three   police officer is?              One of her first acts as Home Secretary
       months in post.                        “Because, I worry the people posing the   was to begin the recruitment of 20,000
          She was addressing 700 officers and   threats you face are ever more callous. The   extra police officers and she also said she
       invited guests including chief constables   job we ask you to do is ever more complex   believed it was the job of the Home
       and PCCs at a Police Federation of England   and dangerous. That is why I want to make   Secretary to give police officers the
       and Wales celebratory event organised to   it clear that I am on your side and that I’ve   protection they need and empower officers
       mark the organisation’s 100-year    got your back.                       to do their jobs, hence the £10 million of
       anniversary. The event was held at      “I recognise the bravery, commitment   ring-fenced funding for Tasers.
       Methodist Central Hall in Westminster,   and sacrifices of both serving and former      She told the hall: “As crime becomes more
       London where the Federation’s first   officers. And I stand with you; the brave men   violent, the assaults are increasingly brutal.
       conference was held in 1919.        and women of our police.”            Many of you will have been hurt. Many of you
          The Home Secretary said: “Your courage,      She paid tribute to PC Andrew Harper,   will have seen friends and colleagues subject
       dedication and public service has been truly   the Thames Valley officer killed while on   to abuse in the line of duty.
       moving. I’m hugely honoured that my job is   duty earlier this year, describing him as a      “It takes extraordinary courage to keep
       to help you do all of yours. From physically   hero.                     running to the front-line to face that threat,
       taking on violent and ruthless criminals, to      She praised the Police Federation for the   day in day out. But, for you, your sense of
       breaking heart-wrenching and tragic news   ‘key role’ it plays saying: “Whether it is   duty comes first.”
       to bereaved families.               engaging with Government, supporting      She concluded: “As long as I am Home
          “From handling some of the most   families or, helping officers who have been   Secretary, I will always give you the backing
       devastating and atrocious tragedies to   assaulted, the organisation continues to   you need to keep yourselves and the public
       bringing safety and security to the   work tirelessly to represent the interests of   safe. So that, together, we can stand for the
       communities in which we all live. You are   the rank and file.”          forces of right, and against the forces of evil.
       always there. And for that, I salute you all.”     And the Home Secretary said she was      “Policing is a job like no other. Every day,
          The Home Secretary recalled that when   committed to strengthening the   in every town or city, police officers perform
       her parents first moved to the UK they set   relationship between the Police Federation   thousands acts of bravery, humanity and
       up a corner shop and were victims of theft,   and the Home Office, adding the 100-year   compassion.
       abuse and burglary, before adding: “I will   anniversary of the Federation was a      “You are the ones society expects to run
       never forget the support shown back then   ‘remarkable achievement’.     towards danger, to protect the vulnerable
       to my family by the police, as well as the      She also spoke about how one of her   and to keep us safe.”
                                                                                           Feature continued on Page 18                                federation December 2019/January 2020        17
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