Page 18 - Federation Magazine December 2017 / January 2018
P. 18

Magic surprise

       PC enjoys emotional

       reunion with her wife

       after secret 10,000-mile


              West Midlands PC has been
              emotionally reunited with her wife
       A after a 10,000-mile flight courtesy of
       British Airways.
          Lisa Harris and Hayley Angell have been
       living on opposite sides of the world after   BA staff at the conference.  The couple’s wedding day.
       Hayley flew to Australia because of a family
       tragedy.                                The BA Magic team read Lisa’s letter   next I was in a British Airways business class
          Lisa, who transferred to the Force from   and began planning to reunite the pair so   seat on my way to London to be reunited
       Police Scotland in August this year, wrote in   with the help of Lisa herself, Debbie and   with my wife!
       to the airline’s BA Magic campaign to tell the   Hayley’s boss, Adam, they planned the      “Being able to take the trip with Mum
       couple’s story. They had met in Australia in   surprise of a life-time.   was the most special thing and it has meant
       2011 and moved to the UK in 2012 before      After weeks of secretive planning,   the world to her. She’d never been on a
       getting married three years later in Derby.  British Airways cabin crew member, Claire   long-haul flight before and it would have
          The only people that couldn’t be there   Allinson found herself hidden in the wings   been Dad’s dream to take her on holiday like
       on the couple’s big day were Hayley’s   at a conference Hayley was attending, with   this. It has awakened so many possibilities
       mother, Debbie, and father, Steve. Steve was   a pair of return business class tickets from   within her. This is just the beginning of a
       recovering from Stage 4 tongue cancer and   Sydney to London for Hayley and Debbie.   new chapter and I know there are many
       Debbie has the degenerative condition,      Under the ruse of a work request, Adam   adventures in store for her yet.”
       muscular dystrophy, so the journey was just   asked Hayley to remain seated at a table in      Lisa said: “I got in touch with British
       too much.                            the large conference room as it was cleared   Airways more out of hope than expectation.
          Lisa started her dream job as a police   after lunch. As Hayley waited for him to   I couldn’t believe it when they said they’d
       officer in Glasgow while Hayley pursued her   return, a video of Lisa rolled through one of   help us. The fact we could surprise Hayley
       passion, establishing herself as a blogger   the giant screens telling her to get packed   and that Deb could come too, knowing she’d
       and vlogger of all things vintage.   as she and Debbie were flying to London   be comfortable and looked after on the
          Just a year-and-a-half later, Hayley   the following day.              flight, made it all the more special.
       received the devastating news that Steve’s      After a sleepless night for the pair, they      “Hayley must have wondered what was
       cancer had returned and was now terminal.  were picked up early and welcomed at   wrong with me in the run-up to them
          On Valentine’s Day this year, she rushed   Sydney’s Kingsford Smith Airport by the   arriving as I was constantly rushing off our
       back to Australia leaving Lisa, their beloved   British Airways team, before boarding the   frequent Facetime calls as I was so worried
       pet dog, Hettie, and all her friends behind in   aircraft early and being seated with a glass   I’d give it away!
       the UK.                              of champagne to relax them into a 22-hour      “I barely slept a wink the night before
          Steve died peacefully with Hayley by his   flight.                     they arrived and Hettie and I were at the
       side on 26 March.                       Waiting for them at Heathrow was Lisa   airport bright and early waiting for the
          Hayley has been in Australia ever since,   - complete with balloons, flowers and pet   flight. It was so wonderful to see them both
       helping her Mum sort through her Dad’s   Hettie - for an emotional reunion.  appear through arrivals and we had the
       affairs and assisting her Mum through her      Hayley said: “I couldn’t believe it and it   most amazing time seeing friends and
       own condition. Meanwhile, Lisa and Hettie   certainly didn’t sink in until I was back in   family, visiting Buckingham Palace, walking
       have moved back to her home town of   the UK! It all happened so fast and was like   the gardens of Chatsworth House, touring
       Derby.                               a dream. One day I was at a conference, the   villages with thatched roofs, savouring

       18					federation December 2017/January 2018                      
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