Page 15 - Federation Magazine December 2017 / January 2018
P. 15
“Quality Insurance New statistics
at Internet Prices!” Crime up in Force area
rime across the West Midlands has Steve Grange, secretary of West Police recorded theft, which has
risen by 14 per cent – with some of Midlands Police Federation, said: “When is previously been on a steep downward curve,
Cthe biggest increases coming in the Government going to stop and listen? increased by 11per cent overall. This
violent offences. When will they realise that we need more included a six per cent rise in burglary, 17 per
Save up to 40% on your Insurance, for all serving 2017, violence against the person offences officers on our streets? cent rise in vehicle related crime and 11 per
In the 12 months leading up to June
cent rise in theft from the person.
“Unfortunately, until, they do, the figures
rose by 13 per cent to 50,699 offences. And, are going to just keep on rising. Calum Macleod, chair elect of the Police
& retired Police Officers, Specials, Staff and Partners robbery shot up by 23 per cent to 4,014 there has been no cut in the demand for our Federation of England and Wales, said: “I can
“While we have been cut to the bone
see little chance of this sorry state of affairs
Sexual offences climbed by 15 per cent services. We are the ones who are there day changing anytime soon.”
to 5,298 and theft offences rose by 18 per and night to respond to our communities And speaking about the rise in violent
cent to 108,036. when they need us most, but there are very crime he said: “We know from our own
The biggest rise was in domestic few left to do this. research that officers suffer significantly at
burglary, which increased by 33 per cent to “Ultimately, the people suffering are the the hands of volatile and dangerous
16,338 offences. ones we want to protect – our communities. individuals, but these figures paint a
Elsewhere, public order and possession Officers join the police service to protect and disturbing picture of the reality they face
of an offensive weapon rose by 17 per cent help those who need us most. And these are when responding to calls for help.
and 18 per cent respectively. the very same people who are suffering “It is for that exact reason we are
The only areas to see a decline were drug because we can’t protect them with the pushing for greater protection for officers,
offences, which dropped by 23 per cent, resources we have got. through our Protect the Protectors
theft from person which was down by eight “If something isn’t done these figures campaign, to improve access to protective
per cent and non-domestic burglary, which will continue to rise and ultimately, more equipment like body-worn video and Taser.
MOTOR INSURANCE decreased by three per cent. people will become victims of crime. This has what’s happening right in front of their eyes.
“The Government need to wake up to
The figures were released by the Office
got to stop.”
of National Statistics for all 43 forces across Nationally, between June 2016 and June Forces are trying to play their part in
HOME INSURANCE England and Wales. They showed that 2017 crime was up by 14 per cent. There meeting demand but it can’t be one way
traffic. More needs to be done to support
between June 2016 and June 2017, crime
were huge increases in violent crime (19 per
was up by an average of 14 per cent.
cent) and sexual offences (19 per cent).
them to achieve this.”
“ and listen? When will they realise that
MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE When is the Government going to stop
Unfortunately, until they do, the figures
are going to just keep on rising.
Everything Taken Care Of
we need more officers on our streets? “
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