Page 12 - Federation Magazine December 2017 / January 2018
P. 12

HMICFRS report

       Force slips from

       “outstanding” to “good”

       in efficiency review

               est Midlands Police has been   many effective ways of understanding   efforts to involve staff in all aspects of the
               judged “good” in terms of the   demand for its services but identifed some   change programme, we spoke to a small
       Wefficiency with which it keeps      errors in crime recording practices which   number of front-line workers who did not
       people safe and reduces crime, according to   they said cast doubt on the accuracy of   feel they had the proper opportunity to
       inspectors from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate   crime data.                 exert influence over the Force’s future.
       of Constabulary Fire & Rescue Services      They also said too many calls from the      On a more positive note, inspectors
       (HMICFRS).                           public were not being answered and,   reported that the Force has a thorough
          Last year, the Force was rated    spelling out an area for improvement, said   understanding of the benefits technology
       “outstanding” and, despite the overall rating   the Force should ensure it has sufficient   can offer policing and many aspects of the
       slipping inspectors said there were still   resources in the control room to meet   change programme focus on developing
       “many outstanding elements of        demand and take into account the wellbeing   digital capability to enable it to operate
       performance”.                        of officers and staff.              more efficiently.
          The gradings for the three key elements      Each project in the Force’s change      The Force has substantial plans to
       of the PEEL (Police Effectiveness, Efficiency   programme, they pointed out, has a detailed   enable it to meet the problems and
       and Legitimacy) review were as follows:  business case with the intended benefits   opportunities presented by technological
       l  Understanding	of	demand	-	requires	  and any disadvantages fully identified.   advancements; it is planning to invest
          improvement                       However, despite this HMICFRS found that   £31.7m over three years. The Force works
       l  Use	of	resources	to	manage	demand	  not all the consequences of change were   closely with other organisations in the West
          -	good                            properly considered; in particular the   Midlands to improve outcomes for the
       l  Planning	for	future	demand	-	     reduction of audit activity in the high-risk   public, reduce costs and build resilience.
          outstanding.                      area of domestic abuse should have been      The report stated: “The Force’s plans are
          The overall “good” grade reflects the   thought through more carefully.  ambitious, wide-ranging and underpinned
       balance between some excellent areas of      The inspectors also said: “Despite the   by effective governance arrangements. The
       performance and other areas where
       HMICFRS had some concerns.
          “Although the Force’s overall judgement “
          HMIC Wendy Williams explained: “For
       example, the Force’s understanding of the
       total demand for its services may not be        Although the Force’s overall judgement
       accurate because its analysis is not
       adequately supported by reliable crime data.    has been downgraded, there are still
       Also the volume of 999 and 101 calls is
       outstripping the Force’s capacity to answer     many outstanding elements of
       them all.
                                                       performance. The Force continues to
       has been downgraded, there are still many
       outstanding elements of performance. The        have a good understanding of
       Force continues to have a good
       understanding of prioritisation and costs;      prioritisation and costs; this takes into
       this takes into account the public’s changing
       expectations and national trends, such as       account the public’s changing
       the increased threat to the public from
       firearms.                                       expectations and national trends, such
          “The Force has a strong record of
       reducing costs while improving the quality      as the increased threat to the public
       of its services. It also has a structured
       system to determine where best to invest        from firearms.
       and to ensure that benefits are realised.”                                         “
          The inspectors found the Force had

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