Page 11 - Federation Magazine December 2017 / January 2018
P. 11

Could you be                                                              Election process

                                                                                 The Police Federation of England and
       a Fed rep?                                                                Wales (PFEW) holds elections every three
                                                                                 years. The triennial election period was
                                                                                 due to start autumn 2016 but new
                                                                                 regulations changing the way elections
                                                                                 are run following Sir David Normington’s
                                                                                 independent review of PFEW are now
                                                                                 with the Home Office and are expected
                                            represent people you know and help fight   to be in place at the end of this year.
                                            their cases in some tough situations,” he
                                            said.                                The	new	system
                                               “There are frustrations, like in any walk   The new process will provide a rank-less
                                            of life, but when you help an officer in need   structure with no more separate rank
            he Force’s constables, sergeants and   with anything from a piece of advice to   committees at local or national level. The
            inspecting ranks are being given the   representation on a serious matter, it can be   number of officials on the National Board
       Topportunity to represent, support and   very satisfying.”                will be reduced from 30 to 24.
       negotiate on key issues for their colleagues      “The people you are representing come      The National Board along with the
       by putting themselves forward to be a   from active roles within the Force so you   National Council, which is made up of
       Federation workplace representative.  know their jobs and you know the    local Federation chairs and secretaries
          Nominees are being sought for     difficulties they face in doing them which   and other individuals from protected
       upcoming elections for positions across the   really helps in the role of a rep. You have a   characteristics groups, will be the key
       Force area.                          level of understanding and empathy which   decision-making bodies for the
          A current West Midlands rep is taking   is hugely beneficial to all parties.”  organisation. The new process allows
       part in the national campaign to encourage      Federation reps don’t just deal with   members to vote for local chairs as well
       more officers to put themselves forward for   detail and factual information on issues like   as the national chair via a new electronic
       what can be a challenging but rewarding   pay, pensions and grievances, they can also   voting system operated via the members’
       role.                                offer moral support and friendly advice to   database.
          Inspector Mark Hambling says he has   officers who may be going through a      The current triennial period has been
       found Federation work very satisfying.  difficult time at work for whatever reason.  extended by the Home Office until the
          “I actually gain more satisfaction from   Reps also have access to third-party sources   regulations are completed and the new
       helping my colleagues than from my work   who may be able to aid officers, if they don’t   voting process can take effect.
       as a police officer,” he said, “While you may   know the answer themselves.
       be used to helping members of the public,      As part of the Police Federation of   Current	process:
       on this occasion, you are helping your   England and Wales (PFEW), West Midlands   l  Members vote for workplace
       colleagues and those closest to you.  reps also have the chance to put themselves   Federation reps
          “The role gives me a chance to use the   forward for the national body whenever   l  Workplace Fed reps vote for Joint
       knowledge and skills I have got to hopefully   opportunities arise.          Branch Board executive members
       make colleagues feel better about what they      PFEW was established in 1919 and has   l  The local chairs and secretaries sit on
       do.”                                 represented the interests of officers from   the Interim National Council
          Mark believes some of the training he   the ranks of constable to chief inspector ever   l  Regional rank delegates to
       has received in the role has been “amazing”   since. The organisation is funded by monthly   conference vote for their Interim
       and that he has enjoyed speaking to fellow   subscriptions from officers and the   National Board reps
       reps from diverse backgrounds.       Federation works on three levels: local,   l  Interim National Board members
          “In any walk of life, you can’t beat that. I   regional and national.     vote on principal national officer
       have had the chance to learn from officers of      There is a Police Federation branch in   roles – including the chair and
       different cultures, backgrounds,     every force together representing 120,000   general secretary.
       organisations and those who police different   officers, which is 97 per cent of the rank and   The	new	process	the	Federation	is
       communities.”                        file.                                working	to	while	waiting	confirmation
          West Midlands Federation chairman      For further information and to read case   in	the	hew	regulations,	following	Home
       Tom Cuddeford said he has got a lot out of   studies from officers who careers and lives   Office	approval:
       his role over the years.             have been helped in some way by Federation   l  Members vote for workplace reps to
         rewarding because it gives you a chance to   reps, visit  l  The Branch Council elects the Branch
          “Becoming a Federation rep can be very
                                                                                    form the Branch Council
    “              Becoming a Federation rep can be very                         l  Members elect the branch chair
                                                                                    Board members
                                                                                 l  The Branch Board elects the secretary
                                                                                 l  Branch Board chair and secretary
                   rewarding because it gives you a
                                                                                    make up the National Council
                                                                                 l  Members vote to elect the national
                   chance to represent people you know
                   and help fight their cases in some                            l  National Council votes to elect the
                                                                                    National Board
                                                                                 l  National Board selects the general
                   tough situations.                                                secretary
                                                                                 l  National Board votes in remaining
                                                                                    principal officers.                                  federation December 2017/January 2018      11
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