Page 24 - WMPF Federation Oct-Nov2017 Final_Neat
P. 24

Invaluable advice at Family Matters

            he next Family Matters event is being   DS Trudy Gittins who will be attending.  http://intranet2/hq_departments or from
            held in the Lord Knight’s Suite at Tally      In order to encourage contact with   Customer Services.
       THo on Tuesday 10 October 2017.      employees who are on leave, Digital Services      If you would like to attend or you would
          The joint PPU and FCID event, which runs   have created a form to record contact from   like more information, please email Trudy
       from 10.30am until 1.30pm, is for officers   notification of pregnancy right through to   Gittins, PPU at t.gittins@west-midlands.
       and staff who are either pregnant or on   returning to work. This is available at
       maternity, paternity or adoption leave.
          It will be hosted by PPU Commander
       DCSU Claire Bell and DCI Sarah Burton from   Feedback on the last event
       FCID who will answer questions about
       issues of concern or refer them to the   “The Family Matters event is a great   was paying my bank £10 for the same
       relevant department heads, many of whom   opportunity for new parents to get   insurances. Therefore I have now reviewed
       will also be represented at the event.  together and discuss their challenges and   my bank account and saved £120 a year!
          “This is an informal support group to   offer advice and support to colleagues.     “She also explained our pension and
       make sure that staff feel valued, empowered,      “There are key departments   how things work should the worst happen
       knowledgeable and not forgotten while they   represented at each forum from Shared   to one of us. We have taken on board that
       are pregnant or on a form of parental leave.   Services, the Police Federation, UNISON and   information and are now looking into a
       We appreciate that people can feel isolated   Police Mutual and there are opportunities   will and protecting our mortgage in case
       while away from work so we hope these   to discuss key milestones from arranging   of illness or death. We cannot recommend
       events help alleviate those feelings,” says   childcare (Sodexo), KIT days, flexible   Caroline enough and the information that
       DCSU Claire Bell, PPU Commander.      working plans to making the return to   she can give.”
          “We also aim to ease any anxieties they   work process as seamless as possible   PC Victoria Betts
       have about other issues such as how   (passwords/training) and the right people
       pensions are calculated, the availability of   are in the room to answer your questions.  “The meeting with Caroline was really
       childcare vouchers, Federation subscriptions,      “There is a great atmosphere at the   informative, putting our financial matters
       flexible working and annual leave     forums and all are welcome. From what   into perspective especially now we have
       entitlements. In short, we want to make this   started as a local support group (I have   two young children. She contacted the tax
       time as stress-free as possible!”     attended the last two forums), the growth   office on noticing our tax codes didn’t look
           Partners, babies and toddlers are also   has been exponential highlighting the   right. We are now awaiting tax refunds
       welcome at the event.                 need for support at what can be a   and the codes have been adjusted.”
          The last Family Matters event was   challenging time for new parents. The      “It’s really good to know that this kind
       attended by around 30 police officers and   team should be proud of the amazing work   of networking exists for women on
       staff.                                that has had a positive impact on the lives   maternity leave, and that people are so
          Attendance at the next session will form   of our employees and their families. As a   willing to put themselves out to offer
       part of four hours (including travel time) of a   UNISON representative we are on hand to   support and information.”
       KIT day for those currently on leave.   answer any queries staff may have in   DC Grace Longden
       Supervisors should make staff on relevant   relation to maternity rights and related
       leave aware of the date and time and advise   matters, we also usually have a supply of   “I found it to be informative and relaxed. It
                                             goodies to distract little ones for a short   was a comfortable environment which
                                             period!”                            meant people were happy to speak out
                                             Liz Curnew                          and ask questions and give advice.
                                                                                 The topics covered were very good and
                                             After a meeting with Caroline Harris,   answered a lot of questions I had. Covering
                                             financial welfare specialist:       the computer shares scheme was very
                                             “We found the meeting really helpful and   handy and it was relayed simply.
                                             managed to save some money. Caroline   Being able to take children was a great
                                             who works with the Federation explained   help and great to meet the other mums
                                             what we were getting through the Group   and those expecting.”
                                             Insurance Scheme and made me realise I   Emma Jones

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