Page 29 - WMPF Federation Oct-Nov2017 Final_Neat
P. 29

Thank you                           Supporting you

      THANK                                Our Federation reps and officials are keen

                                           to offer help, advice and support to all
                                             It is always satisfying to find out that

                                           Here are just a selection of the messages of
      Thank           you                  they have been able to make a difference.
                                           thanks we have received in recent months.
       you                                 delighted that the Chief has taken this   I am currently a serving police inspector in
       Thank                 YOU           Hopefully, you will now have seen the news
                                           that the Chief has authorised the use and
                                           issue of spit guards.  I have to say that I am

                                           decision, and this is down in no small part to
                                           the lobbying of your Federation and Tom
                                           Cuddeford, chairman, in particular who has
                                                                                Avon and Somerset who has been subject to a
                                           been in the national vanguard of this issue.  It
                                                                                resulting in a gross misconduct hearing last
                                           Kerry Blakeman in Operations (whom I know
                                                                                week whereby I was completely exonerated. I
             THANK                         is also worth commenting on the work that CI   lengthy criminal investigation for seven years
                                           many of you will know from his covering of
                                                                                can honestly say George has been pivotal in
                                           the FIM role and from Coventry) has done in
                                                                                that process with the support he has given
                                           progressing this matter.
       thank                               Chief Supt Steve Graham              me. As a Fed rep he has always been available,
                                                                                asked the questions I have feared to ask and
                                           Head of Force Response
                                                                                never judged me. I can honestly say he is a

                                                                                shining example of how the Federation
                                           I have recently required legal assistance
                 you                       through the scheme for my wife. I was   uncertainty and I would like to formally
                                                                                should represent colleagues who face
                                           disappointed to find as it was an employment
                                                                                highlight the fantastic service I have received
                                           rights issue they would only get involved at
                                                                                from your branch.  George is still assisting me
                                           tribunal stage and would not assist with a
      THANK                                grievance letter.                    next week at a misconduct meeting but I
                                                                                cannot put into words how he has supported
                                              I called the Fed, as my wife was in pieces

       Thank you                           got a call.                          Details withheld
                                                                                me over the last few months.
                                           and devastated (so was I), a short time later I

                                              The Federation contact has restored my
                                           faith and has been of great assistance   I recently made contact with yourselves
                                                                                regarding a claim for a cancelled booked
                                           throughout the process my wife has been
       thankYOU                            through. He told us to call any time of the day   holiday due to my mother being ill in hospital.
                                                                                My claim was successfully completed and
                                           and text, he always answers whatever the
       you                                 cannot describe how much he has helped us   company to assist with this type of claim.
                                                                                payment made back into my bank account so
                                                                                thank you for choosing a very professional
                                              He has been absolutely golden and words

                                                                                Mom is still in hospital but hopefully I may be
                                           both, I don’t know his exact role, but I just
                                                                                able to book a last minute deal soon.
                                           wanted you to know how fantastic he has
                                                                                Details withheld
                                           been and how grateful we are for his friendly

                                           supportive help.

                                              I told him how grateful we are, I would
                                                                                  Don’t miss out on your
                                           appreciate if you could also thank him on our
                                                                                  Federation diary

                                                                                  West Midlands Police Federation diary
                                           Please can you pass our thanks on to Tom
             THANK                         Details withheld                       Once again members will receive their
                                                                                  in December.
                                           (Cuddeford) and the Federation for all your

                                                                                     The 2018 diaries will be mailed to
                                           hospitality and support at the Police Bravery
      Thank you                            Awards last week. We had an amazing time   make sure your details are correct. All
                                                                                  members’ home addresses so please
                                           and it was a privilege to be part of such a
       thank                                 organising and just being there for us and   you receive a diary so drop us a line if
                                                                                  information needs to be updated by 24
                                           humbling and proud occasion.
                                                                                  November at the very latest to ensure
                                              We appreciate all your efforts in
                                                                                  you have moved house in the last year
                                                                                  or if you didn’t get your diary last year

                                              Thank you!
                                                                                  which would suggest we didn’t have
                                              Kind regards

                                           Asha Patel
                                           (Mother of Ryan Patel)                 the right address for you.
       THANK YOU                                      federation October/November 2017      29
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