Page 33 - WMPF Federation Oct-Nov2017 Final_Neat
P. 33

Appearance standards:                                                  National chair

         College issues national                                                plans to resign

         guidance                                                                Steve White.

               ew national guidance on     them for medical reasons or because they
               appearance standards have been   are prescription sunglasses.”
         N put in place prompted by forces      It also covers hair, glasses, make-up and
         having differing stances on officers with   jewellery.
         tattoos.                             Last year, hundreds of officers took part
            The new guidance was prompted after   in a PFEW survey about the inconsistent
         the Police Federation of England and Wales   approach to tattoos across all forces. The
         (PFEW) called for national standardisation   wider issue of variable dress codes was
         of appearance standards, rather than local   then taken up by Leicestershire Chief
         interpretation, which meant some forces   Constable Simon Cole through the College’s
         had automatic bans on tattoos while   Professional Committee, in partnership
         others had different policies.    with police staff associations and UNISON.
            The new guidance has been developed      Former PFEW interim national board
         by the College of Policing and accepted as   member, Chief Inspector Victoria Martin,
         best practice and provides both police   who led on the work, said: “We need to
         officers and staff with clear direction on   reflect the communities we serve and the
         their appearance, so they present a   fact that we are a modern police service.
         professional image while also being   We had a lot of passionate feedback from   National Police Federation chair Steve White
         allowed some self-expression.     our members on this issue, demonstrating   has announced his intention to resign at the
            It states: “Independent research   that some force dress policies are very   end of this year.
         conducted by Ipsos Mori on behalf of the   out-dated, so we set about gathering the      The announcement came as it appeared a
         Police Federation of England and Wales in   evidence we needed to push for a new   vote of no confidence in his leadership was
         2016 found that members of the public are   national standard.         about to be tabled.
         largely accepting of police officers and staff      “One of the biggest issues we faced is      He said: “I have been proud to lead the
         with visible tattoos. Visible tattoos are   the way some forces view officers and   organisation during a period of significant
         unacceptable if they could reasonably be   potential new recruits with tattoos - some   change but feel it is time for the next stage of
         interpreted as discriminatory or offensive   forces will not accept a person with a   our continuing reform to progress under new
         and/or indicate attitudes or views   tattoo that cannot be covered by uniform.  leadership.
         inconsistent with the College of Policing’s      “This approach is significantly      “I am proud of what we have been able to
         Code of Ethics and the Standards of   restricting the pool of potential talent, as   achieve for the benefit of those that are at
         Professional Behaviour.           one in five 18 to 29-year-olds has a tattoo.   the heart of everything we do, our members.
            “Careful consideration will be given by   In 30 to 39-year-olds it’s one in four, while   This includes new financial governance,
         the organisation to any tattoo on the neck,   according to our survey 48 per cent of   improved engagement with Government and
         face or hands in deciding if it is acceptable.   officers have a tattoo. Just as important is   the strengthening of relationships with
         This includes considering the size, nature   the fact that it shouldn’t be mandatory for   stakeholders including the National Police
         and prominence of the tattoo. Keep this   officers with tattoos to wear long-sleeved   Chiefs’ Council (NPCC), College of Policing and
         guidance in mind when deciding whether   tops, particularly during the summer when   HMIC who now use our evidence base to help
         to have such a tattoo.”           they have to wear a lot of kit. It is a health   guide national policies and processes.”
            The new guidance also covers   and safety issue.”                      The chair has led the Police Federation
         sunglasses, telling officers and staff to       She added: “All force policy should be   since May 2014 when he and fellow
         “Remove your sunglasses when talking to a   based on national guidance – to step away   candidate Will Riches received an equal
         member of the public and inside a building   from that guidance, there must be more   number of votes and the ultimate decision
         unless it is necessary to continue wearing   justification than simple intolerance.”  was made on the toss of a coin. He will step
                                                                                down before the end of the year with
                                                                                members of the Interim National Board (INB)
                                                                                electing a successor from their midst in
                                                                                   This will mean that one of the favourites
                                                                                to take over as chair will not be allowed to be
                                                                                considered. John Apter, currently chair at
                                                                                Hampshire Police Federation and widely
                                                                                respected for his work on officer assaults, is
                                                                                not a member of the INB and therefore
                                                                                cannot stand for election.
                                                                                   Updated Police Federation regulations,
                                                                                which will allow the final stages of the
                                                                                Federation’s reform agenda to go ahead and
                                                                                change election procedures, will be laid
                                                                                before Parliament on 31 December.                                      federation October/November 2017      33
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