Page 27 - WMPF Federation Oct-Nov 2018-flip_Neat
P. 27

Help get our fund-raising

      off to a flying start!

               MP Benevolent Fund has enlisted
               the amazing support of its
       Wmembers to take part in the Great
       Birmingham Run on Sunday 14 October.
          Serving and retired officers, police staff and
       friends of members will be put through their
       paces as they tackle the half marathon and
       raise vital cash for the fund.
          Every month WMP Benevolent Fund offers
       help and support to members in their hour of
       need. So far this year, more than £50,000 has
       been awarded in grants and benefits to aid
       members suffering financial hardship or
          By donating just a small amount, you will
       be helping the fund to generate much needed
       funds to provide continued help to those in
          Please show your support by donating to
       their Just Giving/Crowdfunding page
          For more details about the work of WMP
       Benevolent Fund, including how to join visit

       Federation roadshow                                                 Approaching

       travels to Wolverhampton                                            retirement in 2019?

                                                                           The final West Midlands Police Federation retirement
                                                                           seminar of 2018 will be held next month.
                                            Members were able to meet         The seminars are designed to help officers in the
                                            Federation representatives and   last three years of service prepare for leaving the Force.
                                            member service providers at the      The final seminar of 2018 will be held on
                                             last West Midlands Police     22 November at West Midlands Police Federation’s
                                             Federation roadshow.          boardroon in Guardians House (this seminar is now
                                                    The roadshow was held at the   fully booked).
                                             Old Bar, Wolverhampton Police      Further seminars will be held next year as follows:
                                             Station on 13 September and gave
                                             members the chance to raise    7 February 2019 - fully booked
                                             concerns with Fed reps or discuss   14 March 2019
                                             the services offered by partner   11 April 2019
                                             organisations.                 23 May 2019
                                                    Free merchandise was on offer   18 July 2019
                                             and members could also enter a   15 August 2019
                                             prize draw with a £50 Amazon   12 September 2019
                                             voucher up for grabs.          17 October 2019
                                                     “It was really nice to be able   21 November 2019
                                              to meet members and speak to   19 December 2019
                                              them about the services and      To book your place, please email
                                              support we can offer,” says Chris with your name, collar
                                              Cooper, member services team   number, work and personal email addresses, personal
                                              leader.                      phone number, dietary requirements, proposed
                                                     The next roadshow is being   retirement date and the number of places required
                                              held in Stechford on 20      since you are welcome to attend with your partner.
                                         November. Please keep an eye on our      Please put ‘retirement seminar’ and the date you
                             website and social media for further updates.  wish to attend in the email subject line.                                      federation October/November 2018       27
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