Page 29 - WMPF Federation Oct-Nov 2018-flip_Neat
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‘Nowhere has closer

 You protect us.  scrutiny than custody’

 We protect you.  seminar told

             fficers from across England and   conditions.”                        He said: “The study showed that 43 per
             Wales have attended an annual      Delegates also heard from grieving   cent of staff in custody experienced
       Oseminar to discuss key issues      father Tony Herbert whose son, James (25)   psychological distress, compared with 20 per
 At Slater and Gordon, we   Legal services:   affecting police custody.  died after being restrained in police custody   cent of the general population. Additionally,
          Delegates heard from a range of
 understand that police work     speakers drawn from stakeholders and   in Avon and Somerset in 2010.  33 per cent of custody staff experienced
                                                                                exhaustion or burn-out.”
                                              Police were called after James was

                                                                                   He said: “Acoustics are important,
 can be challenging and stressful,   • Crime and misconduct allegations  partner organisations as well as the Police   spotted running and shouting in a road in     especially with virtual courts and live link
       Federation of England and Wales’ National
                                           Wells, Somerset looking ‘dishevelled’ during
 but with us by your side, dealing   • Personal injury claims - on or off duty   Custody Forum and lead representatives.  a mental health crisis.  facilities. And there are conversations to be

          Assistant Chief Constable Nev Kemp, the
                                                                                had around TVs in cells. A few years ago
                                              The circumstances surrounding James’
 with legal issues needn’t be.   National Police Chiefs’ Council’s custody   death have since been subject to two   people were saying we were bonkers but you
 • Family law   lead, used the platform to urge the   Independent Police Complaints Commission   have to remember that a lot of people who
       Federation to host national custody awards   (IPCC) investigations and an inquest.  are arrested lose their sense of time – we
 For over 50 years, we have   • Employment law   at its 2019 seminar.    for how deaths in custody would be dealt   take their watches from them.
                                              Mr Herbert outlined his personal utopia
                                                                                   “There can be a degree of self-loathing, a
          The suggestion came after the results of

 been defending, advising and   the latest Federation pay and morale survey   with, including the Crown Prosecution   sense of shame and embarrassment both for
 representing thousands of police   • Police pensions   revealed a high number of custody officers   Service being involved much later, with   themselves and their families, so the
                                           officers involved obligated to fully report to
       want to leave the role as they feel under-
                                                                                custody environment is really important. We
 officers just like you.  • Wills, trusts and estates  valued by the service and by the public.  the Independent Office for Police Conduct   need to put operational users and detainees
                                           (IOPC) within six months of the death.

          ACC Kemp said: “There will always be a
                                                                                first in the design of custody suites.”
       risk in custody but you have to remember      In September 2017, the then IPCC  (now      He said new facilities in Hampshire
 With offices throughout the UK,   that custody officers are responsible for   IOPC) published a report into James’ death,   incorporated a glazed atrium, flooding the
       some of the most challenging and difficult
                                                                                charge room with light. “We had lost our
                                           which pinpointed how a different approach
 we are the only firm to offer a   people in society, often in very frail physical   to policing people with mental health needs   way in terms of staff, who have to operate in
       and mental health.
                                           could have prevented James’ death in
                                                                                that environment for 10-12 hour shifts – we
 full range of legal services to      “Nowhere else in the world has closer   custody.  need to think about their wellbeing.”
       scrutiny on custody – it’s difficult to see how      Inspector Tony Maggs, one of the leading      The event was held on 11 and 12
 the Police Federation.  we could be more open and transparent.   experts in cell design, also spoke at the   September in Daventry and also heard from
       Being a custody sergeant is the only role in   seminar, about how the design of the design   Dr Meng Aw-Yong, medical director for the
       policing where you have to go right up to   of police custody suites is vital to both help   Metropolitan Police, about how better
       superintendent to be over-ruled.    prevent self -harm by detainees, and protect   understanding of the dangers of Acute
          “They are charged with sometimes   the welfare of custody officers.   Behavioural Disturbance (ABD) in custody
       making unpopular decisions to deprive      Highlighting the results of a five-year   detainees is needed among healthcare staff.
       someone of their liberty and are a critical   Good Police Custody Study by the University   Miranda Biddle, North East regional director
       and pivotal part of the criminal justice   of Sheffield’s Dr Layla Skinns, he revealed   of the IOPC, told delegates that ‘timeliness is
       process, with a role also in protecting the   that staff in 39 police forces had been   still our biggest single criticism but we are
       public, for example, when deciding bail   quizzed about welfare.         working hard to address this’.
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