Page 13 - WMPF Federation FEB-MAR 2022_Neat
P. 13



         urged to take

         part in survey

             etectives and investigators are being
             urged to take part in a survey into the
        Dimpact of changes to legal guidance on
        charging criminal cases introduced by the
        Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).
           The call comes from West Midlands Police
        Federation’s Jon Nott who is secretary of the   decreasing morale.
        Police Federation National Detectives’ Forum      “Now we need detectives’ help to fully
        (PFNDF).                             understand the impact of the changes. We
           The PFNDF has launched a survey to   want to build an evidence base so we can
        understand how the changes, which were   raise the issues with our chief officers,
        made in December 2020, have impacted   police and crime commissioners, MPs and
        detectives a year on.                in the media.
           Jon said: “The Federation is aware of the      “This is why we’re asking detectives to
        impact of the changes to the DPP guidance on   complete a short survey, the results of
        charging, and the knock-on effect they’ve had   which will help us to understand the issue
        on workloads and case file preparation time.  from your point of view and give us direct
           “Detectives are spending more time in   feedback on how the changes have had an
        front of their computer screens rather than   impact on you and your ability to serve the
        being out of the office and on the job,   people of the West Midlands.”
        investigating crime and dealing with victims      The survey is open until 9am on
        and witnesses.                       Monday 7 February.
           “It’s simply adding to workloads and to the      To take part in the survey, contact the
        lengths of investigations, as well as increasing   West Midlands Police Federation branch by
        stress detectives are experiencing and   emailing

                                            “       NOW WE NEED DETECTIVES’ HELP TO FULLY UNDERSTAND THE

                                                    IMPACT OF THE CHANGES. WE WANT TO BUILD AN EVIDENCE BASE

                                                    SO WE CAN RAISE THE ISSUES WITH OUR CHIEF OFFICERS, POLICE

                                                    AND CRIME COMMISSIONERS, MPS AND IN THE MEDIA.

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