Page 17 - WMPF Federation FEB-MAR 2022_Neat
P. 17


             TREATED AS A POOR

             RELATION WITH CUTS TO             Call for re-investment

             NUMBERS AND CUTS TO               in roads policing

             COLLEAGUES, A LARGE              Tim Rogers has called for more investment   law-abiding people but don’t really deter or
                                              in roads policing after an investigation   catch uninsured drivers, drink drivers,
             PERCENTAGE OF THEIR TIME         found half of Britain’s fixed speed cameras   dangerous drivers and motorists using their
             IS SPENT AWAY FROM               don’t work.                       phones at the wheel.
                                                 He says money would be better spent

                                                                                   “We need proper investment in roads

             ROADS POLICING ON OTHER          in other areas of roads policing than   policing to help ensure the safety of motorists,
                                              replacing broken cameras.         road users and the general public. And by that
             AREAS – AND IT’S JUST NOT           He was speaking after a        I mean we need more cops in cars.
                                              BBC Panorama documentary broadcast on      “More roads police officers and more
             GOOD ENOUGH.                     Monday investigated the increasing risks   visibility on the roads will act as a deterrent
                                              motorists face on the roads and asked   while also helping us go after dangerous
                                              whether weaker policing was to blame.  drivers and those involved in other
       in reducing death on the roads. But still we are      “There’s no simple fix to the issue of   criminality.”
       not seeing adequate levels of investment and   improving safety on our roads, which has      Tim added: “Effective roads policing
       the Parliamentary Advisory Council for   been highlighted by this BBC    needs officers to engage with drivers, to
       Transport Safety (PACTS) has consistently   documentary,” said Tim.      educate them and to help improve driving
       raised concerns about road safety.”       “While it’s disappointing to see that so   standards. Since the cuts to policing
          Tim believes roads policing budgets have   many fixed speed cameras aren’t working,   budgets began in 2009, we have seen a
       been mismanaged by chiefs and, with the   they only play a small part in roads   lack of investment in roads policing and it’s
       Government indicating it wants the roads   policing.                     time this was addressed as a matter of
       policed, wants to see roads policing aligned      “They often seem to penalise generally   urgency.”
       with the Department for Transport to protect
       the budget.
          Tim says while the Force has road deaths
       and serious injuries as a key performance
       indicator this should be discussed at chief
       officer level more regularly as this would send
       a clear message to the families of the 100
       people killed on the region’s roads in a year
       that it is taking road safety seriously. Roads
       policing is already part of the Strategic Policing
          Tim’s comments follow
       an investigation by Auto Express into the
       impact of cuts to road policing.
          He said that the cuts of the austerity years
       have not only seen a reduction in the numbers
       of roads policing officers but has also led to
       what he describes as a “brain drain”.
          “We’ve lost an awful lot of experience as
       part of those cutbacks,” he said, “And while the
       Government is saying it is recruiting 20,000
       new officers they’re not an immediate
       substitute for the brain drain we’ve
       experienced in the last decade and more and
       we are not seeing a commitment to increase
       the number of specialist roads policing officers.
          “It takes time, training and investment to
       bring new recruits up to the level that we need
       – we’re going to be playing catch-up for 10
       maybe 15 years.”

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