Page 19 - WMPF Federation FEB-MAR 2022_Neat
P. 19

crews exist. What would you have them say?
                                                                                Would you expect the Prime Minister,
                                                                                President of the United States or any other
                                                                                world leader to go on national television and
                                                                                admit to us all that there is a higher
                                                                                intelligence visiting our planet at will? For
                                                                                them to further concede that there isn’t a
                                                                                thing your government can do about it, that
                                                                                we aren’t the biggest kid on the block and
                                                                                therefore are vulnerable? This could
                                                                                potentially frighten citizens and cause some
                                                                                   Personally, I’m not particularly concerned
                                                                                about a potential threat. I’ve arrived at this
                                                                                prognosis on the basis that if there was any
                                                                                hostile intent towards us none of us would be
                                                                                here now and I wouldn’t be ruining my
                                                                                prospects of becoming a chief inspector by
        Authors Insp Roy Teague (left) and former DS John Hanson.
                                                                                writing this article. In short, until governments
                                                                                understand this phenomenon in more detail or
       John makes the majority of the other so called   rational explanation. It is the 0.01 per cent that   a UFO lands in front of the world’s press on
       ‘experts’ look like they’re standing still. We   I am interested in and it is the investigation   the White House lawn so that denials are no
       spoke about how police officers by the nature   into those sightings in particular by police   longer possible, the official stance from
       of their training made excellent witnesses.   officers that has led me to the conclusion I   governments will always be denial.
       Shortly after that a partnership began where   have.                     Final word
       we both combined forces and sought out      I suspect a great deal of UFO sightings are   For my final word, I would like to thank those
       police officers who had either had a UFO   in fact craft being developed and tested by our   officers who have come forward over the years
       encounter or had investigated an encounter   military. Our governments will never admit this   and provided their accounts. I have chosen to
       reported to them by the public.     and why should they? After all, every nation   release this article a few months before the
          As a result of this, we have spoken in   has the right to protect its secrets in the   book’s publication in the hope that there may
       person to numerous witnesses. Some of the   interests of national security. I fully agree with   be other officers and staff out there who
       more recent sightings, as you would expect   this. That said, and going back to the 0.01 per   haven’t shared their experiences yet but would
       with smart phones being freely available, have   cent, I am absolutely convinced that it is these   like to do so. Anonymity is guaranteed should
       been captured on camera. The evidence is   craft that are not man made and continue to   you wish it and be bold enough to step
       compelling to say the least. Naturally, however,   visit us from elsewhere in the universe.  forward. This is a subject that shouldn’t be
       as you would expect, some of the older      Now before I get carted off to a padded   tiptoed around and looked upon with scorn. It
       sightings were not captured on video or   room and someone offers me a tin foil hat, I   deserves open and honest dialogue and should
       camera. Where this is the case, we have had   would like the reader to consider this. When   be treated with the respect it deserves.
       our colleagues sketch what they saw. Sadly,   people are asked if they believe in UFOs and   l  Roy can be contacted on
       some of our colleagues who had reported   extra-terrestrial life, if the answer is “no” the
       sightings back in the distant past are no longer   reason almost always given is “because
       with us. We hope we have done them proud   I’ve never seen one”. Yet most of those
       by bringing their accounts into the public   same people will believe in the existence
       arena.                              of God despite never seeing him. In fact,
       What is my opinion?                 more than 90 per cent of the world’s
       Based on the accumulation of “best evidence”   population believe in a supreme deity of
       and, as a result of my investigations which   some kind when there is no evidence
       have lasted several years, I have gone from   whatsoever. Their belief in their God
       being sceptical to open minded to now   therefore is purely based on faith
       believing beyond all reasonable doubt that not   which, of course, is an amazing thing.
       only are we not alone in the universe but also   No one would dare question or poke
       that from time to time we are visited by   fun at those people - and quite rightly
       intelligent life far, far greater than our own.  so - and yet when someone provides
          There simply is too much evidence for me   actual evidence of the UFO
       to believe otherwise; too many accounts from   phenomenon via witness statements,
       credible witnesses, including my fellow police   photos and footage, they are in the
       officers, of unknown aircraft making   main stigmatised as a loose cannon
       impossible manoeuvres that would simply   and labelled as unhinged. This, I must
       break any human pilot’s neck. This, combined   say, does make me smile and causes
       with some incredible footage leaked by   me some inner amusement.
       military and Government staff of unidentified   Why Government denial?
       craft toying with our most advanced military   Well, let’s say for argument’s sake
       fighter jets, has led me to this conclusion.  and hypothetically speaking, of
          However, it must be said - and I wish to   course, that governments around the
       clarify this here and now - that it is my opinion   world had undisputable evidence
       that 99.9 per cent of UFO sightings have a   that UFOs and their extra-terrestrial

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