Page 22 - WMPF Federation FEB-MAR 2022_Neat
P. 22







                                                                                                Sergeant Julie Harrison.

            West Midlands Police officer who has      “I have rung her to offer my   Coventry their home and has been
            led pioneering projects to tackle youth   congratulations on behalf of the Federation.   instrumental in several programmes to support
       A xploitation and violence against   The thing that’s striking about Julie is her   refugees and promote community cohesion
       women has been awarded the British Empire   modesty and good humour after years of   alongside local partners.
       Medal (BEM).                         outstanding public service particularly striving      As part of the Coventry City of Culture
          Sergeant Julie Harrison, who has served in   to bring diverse communities together and   policing team, she is trailblazing the use of arts
       Coventry for 25 years, received the honour in   help build the strong sense of community and   and creativity to improve our communication
       recognition of her efforts to protect and   shared values which back up the rule of law. It   with the public and to tackle community safety
       support some of the city’s most vulnerable   is wonderful to see her honoured and this   priorities.
       communities.                         recognition is so well deserved.”      Julie – who will receive the award under
          Julie has spent all of her distinguished      Over the years Julie has spearheaded a   her married name, Godwin – said: “I’m really
       policing career within Coventry apart from a   range of innovative projects aimed at   surprised but also incredibly humbled. It’s a
       brief six-month secondment. She has been   supporting young people, diverting them away   proud moment and one I never expected.
       based across the city before moving to her   from gangs and protecting them from      “I’ve got a real passion for Coventry, I’ve
       current role within the City of Culture Policing   exploitation.         spent my whole career here and I am very
       Team around two years ago.              She has also been a driving force in   proud to call it home.
          West Midlands Police Federation chair Rich   developing schemes to safeguard women and      “There are some absolutely fantastic
       Cooke said: “Julie has rightly been honoured for   help and support victims of domestic abuse.  people doing some fantastic things right across
       the outstanding work she has carried out      Julie is passionate about supporting   the city and it’s a privilege to be part of the
       across Coventry for many years.      refugees and migrants who have made   City of Culture team.
                                                                                  tried to do what I can to make lives better and
                                                                                   “Throughout my policing career I’ve always
        “       THERE ARE SOME ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC PEOPLE DOING                that will never change.”

                                                                                   Clare Gollop, director of the West Midlands
                                                                                Violence and Reduction Unit (VRM), also
                                                                                did Janice Mathias for her voluntary work with
                PRIVILEGE TO BE PART OF THE CITY OF CULTURE TEAM.               received the BEM in the New Year Honours as
                                                                                the West Midlands Police and Crime
                                                                                Commissioner’s custody visitor scheme.

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