Page 31 - WMPF Federation June-July2018-flip_Neat
P. 31

New dates available for Ben

       Fund’s seaside holiday home

            he West Midlands Police
       TFund has
       released new dates
       for 2018/19 for its
       members to stay at
       its popular Peel’s
       Retreat holiday
       home in
       Weymouth, Dorset.
          The fund is
       offering its
       members the
       chance to bid for a
       week-long break to
       stay at the three-
       bedroom townhouse
       at a discounted rate.
          Sleeping up to
       six people and with parking for one car the property is ideally located on the south coast of Dorset to explore the pretty harbour, sandy
       beach and local attractions.
          There are lots of great things to see and do during your stay. Weymouth is a gateway to the Jurassic Coast, a World Heritage Site, and
       only a few miles from Chesil Beach where a causeway leads to Portland Island.
          The holiday home was snapped up by members last year with visitors giving it the thumbs up for a great seaside location and home
       from home.
          For more details about the Weymouth holiday home visit or call the Benevolent Fund office on 0121 700 1212.

       Don’t say                                    Ongoing terror threat adds

       goodbye to the                               to strain placed on Force

       Ben Fund!                                    The strain of policing such a wide metropolitan area during a period of high

                                                    terrorist threats has added to the pressure placed on West Midlands Police’s
       WMP Benevolent Fund urges its members to     front-line resources.
       remain in touch when new data law arrives       A recent Freedom of Information (FOI) request by the Press Association
          West Midlands Police Benevolent Fund is asking   revealed that more than 23,000 rest days were owed to West Midlands officers
       its members to stay connected once the new data   on 17 September last year, giving a snapshot of the extent of the problem.
       protection Laws (GDPR) come into force on 25 May.      Other forces that responded recorded similarly startling figure with the likes
          In order to be GDPR compliant, the Benevolent   of Kent owing 12,995, Thamas Valley owing 26,873 and the Met a staggering
       Fund will need the permission of its 6500 plus   184,000 rest days to its officers.
       members to stay in touch even if they are already      The Met had a string of major terrorist incidents to deal with such as
       receiving information about its member benefits and   Westminster, Finsbury Park, Parsons Green and London Bridge.
       services. If members don’t give consent to stay in      And while West Midlands did not have any major terrorist atrocities to
       touch, unfortunately all communication from the   police, that ongoing threat, along with major concerts, football matches,
       Fund will end after this date.               marches and events, still led to an already stretched force being asked to do
          WMP Benevolent Fund currently holds personal   even more.
       data of all its members, including details of a      Acting chair of West Midlands Police Federation John Williams said: “One of
       nominated beneficiary.                       the main reasons why our members have been asked to work on rest days and
          Every month it provides help and support to   Bank Holidays is because of the work and numbers needed to prevent terrorism.
       serving officers, police staff and retired members in      “The threat level has been at ‘critical’ and that means officers have had
       their hour of need.                          planned time off cancelled by chief officers who have struggled with the
          If you’re a member of WMP Benevolent Fund and   demands placed on the Force’s shoulders by a Government that has been intent
       are happy for the Fund to remain in contact with you   on cutting resources.
       about your membership please give consent via the      “The continued commitment and dedication of our West Midlands
       link here:         members during such a difficult time never ceases to amaze me.”
       consenttocontact/                               The Police Federation of England and Wales says that any rest days
          For more details about WMP Benevolent Fund and   cancelled more than 15 days prior to an event should be re-allocated within
       how to join visit           four days of that notification being received.

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