Page 31 - WMPF Federation Aug-Sept 2017
P. 31

What constitutes

       work-related stress?

       By David Miers                      psychiatric condition. We can assist by   something which the Force did (or failed to do)
       Associate in personal               requesting copies of their GP records but a   contrary to law, which has caused the illness.
       injury at Slater and                good indicator is that the member has been to   We often ask members what their force could
       Gordon                              see their GP because of occupational stress.  have done to prevent the harm they have
                                              The second issue is a threshold question:   suffered. Examples may include:
       Stress in its simplest              was the psychiatric injury reasonably   l  A failure to refer the member to
       form can actually be a              foreseeable? The key consideration for the   occupational health
       good thing. Many of                 courts is deciding whether the member’s force   l  In an overwork case, a failure to re-allocate
       us actually need                    knew, or ought to have reasonably known,   work appropriately
       stress to perform at                about how work was affecting their health.   l  In a bullying case, failing to investigate the
       our best. However, it can be dangerous and it is   This unfortunately is the bar to so many   member’s complaints and perform a risk
       when stress becomes too much and manifests   claims. Good examples of where the force may   assessment.
       into something more serious such as a   have had foresight include:         The final test is whether the breach of duty
       recognised psychiatric condition that it can   l  A previous work-related stress absence  complained of caused the injury as opposed to
       give rise to a potential personal injury claim.   l  Previously disclosed mental health   other life stressors that we all commonly have.
          One of the first questions we would ask a   difficulties                 If you feel that the above applies to you
       member is whether they have been diagnosed   l  The members complaining to their   then we encourage you to speak with your
       with a recognised psychiatric disorder. A claim   manager that they were becoming ill (as   work-based representative or Federation about
       for damages cannot be made if someone is   opposed to just stressed).    your concerns.
       suffering from “stress” alone.         If you are struggling at work to the extent      If you or a family member wishes to bring a
          Common psychiatric disorders include   it is affecting your health it is extremely   claim please contact the PF Claimline on
       depression, PTSD or generalised anxiety   important that you let your work-based   Freephone 0800 917 1999 or visit
       disorder. A member may have been to see their   representative or Federation know. where you will get advice free
       GP because of work-related stress but can be      Thirdly, it is necessary to show there has   of charge. We hope you don’t need us, but if
       unaware they have been diagnosed with a   been a breach of duty and that it was in fact   you do, we are here to support you.

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