Page 27 - Federation magazine: February / March 2017
P. 27
Are forces equipped for
the future of policing?
An inquiry has been launched to online crime and the pressures generated by operational demands, such as mental
establish if forces are equipped to non-crime demands, such as mental health health crisis work, and where gaps in
deal with changing demands and crisis work. capacity and capability are likely to lie.
new challenges. “Ongoing funding reductions mean l The relationship between public
Advances in technology have led to new there is continuing demand for new expectations of the police, including
forms of crime and have enabled other efficiency measures, and technological desired visibility and perceived priorities,
crimes to move online, changing their nature change provides new opportunities for and the operational realities of policing
and impact on victims and communities. innovation. within the current financial context.
These advances in technology have also “We are seeking written and oral l Police funding levels, efficiency and
generated new opportunities for the police, evidence on the reforms which might be cost-effectiveness, including the role of
at a time of increasing focus on efficiency required to ensure that our police are fit for Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs)
and innovation. purpose, cost effective and open to in driving innovation and reform.
The Home Affairs Committee has innovation and technological change.” l The role of digital technology in policing,
launched the inquiry to explore the The terms of reference for the inquiry including take-up, risks and barriers to
challenges of modern policing and examine include: use.
whether forces are sufficiently equipped and l Current and future crime trends and l International best practice examples of
resourced to keep the public safe and to innovation in policing, and the extent to
respond effectively to evolving demands and their implications for policing in England which they could be replicated in
changing patterns of crime. and Wales, including emerging or England and Wales.
Home Affairs Select Committee growing categories of crime (such as Written submissions for this inquiry
chairman Yvette Cooper MP said: “Police online crime and child sexual abuse) and have to be submitted online by midday on
forces are facing multiple new and emerging under-reported types of crime. 16 February.
challenges in their quest to protect the l The extent to which the police are
public from harm, including the growth of sufficiently equipped to deal with these
changing patterns of crime and other federation February/March 2017 27