Page 29 - Federation magazine: February / March 2017
P. 29

Federation backs Force                                                                            Retirement
campaign on FGM                                                                                   seminars –
                                                                                                  book your
International Day of Zero Tolerance for           front-line officers we want to target for this  place now
    Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) takes         campaign will often miss messages
    place on Tuesday 6 February 2017.             delivered through these channels, as they       Is retirement just around the corner? Are you
	 Ahead of this, West Midlands Police’s           simply don’t have the time to log in and read   wondering what your options are?
Corporate Communications department has           them,” says Amy Haycock, organisational         	 For officers who have started to think
been working on an awareness raising              communications officer for the Force.           about the day they retire from the police
campaign launching the same day which             	 “Instead, we came up with the idea to         service, West Midlands Police Federation is
will highlight and inform the public about        put an FGM message onto hand sanitisers         hosting a number of seminars for people in
FGM, a hidden crime.                              and provide every PC and PS on response and     their last three years of service.
	 As with all Force campaigns, the                Force support and neighbourhood teams -         	 The sessions will cover a number of
Corporate Comms team wants this FGM               plus neighbourhood PCSOs - with one. This       topics and can be attended by an officer’s
work to have an internal impact, as well as       way the message is always ‘on them’ as the      husband, wife or partner.
external. The internal campaign has               hand sanitisers can be clipped onto uniform.    	 The sessions are held at the West
different aims to the external campaign, as       They are also reminded of this every time       Midlands Police Federation office at
our officers will already know what FGM is,       they use the hand gel.                          Guardians House in Sheldon. Topics covered
and have been trained to deal with this.          	 “We got in touch with chairman Tom            include:
Therefore what we’d like to do internally is      Cuddeford to see if West Midlands Police        l	 Managing change and uncertainty
bring it to the forefront of officers’ minds      Federation would be interested in match         l	 CV writing and interview techniques
and encourage them to engage with the             funding the hand gels so we could provide       l	 Transferable skills
public on an issue that can be seen as taboo.     one for every officer, and he loved the idea    l	 Police and state pensions
	 The officers they wanted to target with         and got the Police Federation on board          l	 Managing money and financial changes
this campaign are those who are out on the        straight away.                                  l	 Budgeting
front-line dealing with members of the            	 “We then worked with our supplier to          l	 Starting your own business
public from all walks of life, on a daily basis.  get the design created, which is a simple       l	 Taxation
Therefore during a team brainstorm of ways        message ‘FGM we won’t wash our hands of         l	 Savings
to get to officers, the idea of hand sanitisers   it’ – in between both WMP and the Police        l	 Investments and finances
came up.                                          Federation logos. Showing our dedication to     	 Tom Cuddeford, interim chairman of
	 “We realised that our traditional routes        tackling abhorrent crimes such as FGM.”         West Midlands Police Federation, said:
of communication like Newsbeat, Team Talk         	 The hand gels will be distributed to          “There is so much for officers to consider
and Force Message are brilliant but that the      officers ahead the campaign launch.             when they are approaching retirement. Our
                                                                                                  seminars ensure they can find out all the
A day of mental health                                                                            facts, ask questions of our experts and
and wellbeing                                                                                     ensure that they are well informed as they
                                                                                                  make decisions affecting them as they leave
Officers and staff have been invited to           know what help is available.”                   the force.”
spend the day focusing on improving               	 Between 9am and 3.15pm there will be          	 The next session is being held on 2
mental health and wellbeing across the            guest speakers discussing practical             March between 8.30am and 4pm.
Force.                                            solution to improving mental health,            	 Further sessions will take place on 27
	 On Thursday 9 February an event at              discussions about police related post-          April, 15 June, 27 July and 7 September.
Tally Ho! will highlight the support              traumatic stress support and WMP                	 To book a place email Sarah-Katie at
available to staff and supervisors as the         colleagues will be sharing their own   with your
Force shines the spotlight on mental              personal stories about their battle with        name, work email address, personal email
health, stress and post-traumatic stress.         mental health.                                  address, personal phone number, proposed
	 The event has been organised in                 	 Attendees are encouraged to bring             retirement date and number of places
association with the Black and Asian Police       their smart phones as there will be an          required. Please put ‘Retirement Seminar’
Association and is open to everyone,              interactive session as part of one of the       and the date you wish to attend in the
regardless of their rank or role.                 workshops.                                      subject line.
	 “One in four people in the UK will              	 Karen added: “There is sometimes a
experience a mental health problem in any         stigma associated with openly discussing
given year. People who work or volunteer in       mental health. This event is aimed at
the emergency services are even more at           tackling this head on and will hopefully
risk of a mental health problem than              prove the stepping stone for individuals,
most,” said Inspector Karen Geddes.               supervisors and the force as a whole to
	 “There may be a person in your office, a        improving the support available.”
colleague on your shift or it could be you        	 If you are unable to attend details of
yourself that is suffering with a mental          WMP’s wellbeing agenda will be shared in
health problem. This event will let you           coming weeks.                            federation February/March 2017 29
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