Page 33 - Federation magazine: February / March 2017
P. 33
Mental health reform
Calls are being of our officers is paramount.”
made for more to Last month it was revealed that more
be done around than a million work days were lost in the
mental health police service over the least three years to
reform – despite mental health-related illness. The finding
the recent echoed a PFEW survey on officer welfare last
comments by the year which showed the mental wellbeing of
Prime Minister. police officers was considerably poorer than
Steve White, that of the general public.
chairman of the Mr White said: “Mental health issues are
Police Federation of huge concern to the young, the elderly and
of England and all public sector services.
Wales (PFEW) said “There needs to be proper investment in
that while the diagnosis and treatment of mental
Theresa May’s health issues to both assist officers who
mental health manage individuals with mental health
reforms were a issues and, equally, assist officers who suffer
step in the right with mental health related issues
direction, more needs to be done to available. Yet we are not the best qualified themselves.”
recognise the scale of the problem which is and it means we are stretched to deal with “The use of police cells as a place of
blighting large sections of the police service. life and death policing issues”, says Tom. safety has more than halved in one year but
He made the remarks following the “A cell is not an appropriate place for there are still problems facing custody
Prime Minister’s speech to the Charity someone suffering from a mental health officers who are dealing with mentally ill
Commission in January and his views were illness. detainees because the appropriate NHS or
echoed by Tom Cuddeford, West Midlands “Equally, our officers are more stressed social care resources are too often not
Police Federation’s interim chairman. and stretched at work than ever before available. And the issue is not just confined
“The police are often the ones left to and it is vital the appropriate support is to custody as the police are usually the first
deal with those dealing with mental health
issues as there is simply no one else
available to them to assist with any to be called when there is an issue out on the
mental health related issues. The welfare streets.”
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