Page 3 - Federation magazine: February / March 2017
P. 3
Welcome Contents
Welcome to the February/March 04 Interim chairman’s 17 Station closes for final time
edition of federation -the magazine introduction
for members of West Midlands Police 21 Another success for Socks and
Federation. 05 Violent crime up Chocs
We are always on the look-out for
good news stories so please get in 05 Federation roadshow heading 21 Applications open for direct
touch if you have something to share
with colleagues. It does not have to to West Bromwich entry inspectors
relate to your policing role – though
we are definitely interested in hearing 05 Sign up for the eZine 22 Pensions ruling - Federation
about what’s going on around the view
Force. Do you have an interesting 06 Tackling officer assaults
hobby or perhaps you are involved in 23 Pensions auto-enrolment - an
sport locally, as a player, a manager, a 08 Officers give MPs first-hand important notice
coach? accounts after spitting incident
Just get in touch and let us know. 25 Take a break in the Benevolent
We would also be interested to hear 10 Transition Day timing ‘tough’ Fund’s new seaside holiday
what you would like to see featured in Chief admits home
your magazine.
11 NYE payment success for 27 Are forces equipped for the
Published by: Federation future of policing?
XPR (UK) Ltd
11 Congratulations, Joe 29 Federation backs Force
Editor: campaign on FGM
Tom Cuddeford, interim chairman 11 Taser survey has closed
Deputy editor: 12 Emergency service drivers: 29 A day of mental health and
Chris Cooper, ‘more protection needed’ wellbeing
Communications/IT manager 14 Federation calls for 2.8 per cent 29 Retirement seminars - book
pay rise your place now
Design and sub-editing:
XPR (UK) Ltd 15 Police minister agrees to 33 Mental health reform
meeting to discuss widows’
Contact us: pension campaign 35 Putting your children first when
Guardians House, 16 Chief Inspector hopes her story
2111 Coventry Road, will inspire others
Sheldon, Birmingham,
B26 3EA Advertisers 30 Slater & Gordon, police law
31 Police Insure
Telephone: 02 Police Mutual, healthcare 32 George Burrows, life insurance
0121 700 1200 20 Police Mutual, car insurance 33 Warren & Co, independent
21 Gorvins, family law solicitors
Email: 24 Police Credit Union mortgage advice 26 Motor Source new car discounts 34 Slater & Gordon, family law
27 First Call Financial, independent 36 Citroen Coventry
mortgage advice
Federation is printed by Heron Press UK on 28 Caroline Harris, financial welfare
behalf of the Joint Branch Board of the West
Midlands Police Federation. consultant
The articles published do not necessarily reflect
the views of the Joint Branch Board. The editor
reserves the right to reject or edit any material
Every care is taken to ensure that
advertisements are accepted only from bona
fide advertisers. The Police Federation cannot
accept liability for losses incurred by any
person as a result of a default on the part of an
All material is copyright and may not be
reproduced without the express permission of
the editor. federation February/March 2017 03