Page 5 - Federation magazine: February / March 2017
P. 5

Federation branch boards to get the             Violent crime up
message across to the MPs in their force
areas and arranging meetings in Parliament      Knife crime and offences involving            something designed to help tackle this
to allow assaulted officers to talk to MPs      firearms are on the increase according to     exact issue.”
face to face about the incidents in which       the latest figures released.                  	 For the first time the figures give a full
they were attacked.                             	 The Office for National Statistics          year overview of estimated fraud and
	 While changes to the law may act as a         crime figures show a rise in violent          computer misuse offences, 3.6 million and
deterrent and at least ensure that people       crimes, including a seven per cent            2 million respectively.
who assault officers are properly sentenced,    increase in offences involving a firearm      	 Steve added: “These particular figures
the Federation is also calling for officers to  and an 11 per cent increase in offences       simply highlight the reality of the world in
be better equipped to prevent these attacks     involving a knife.                            which we police. They reflect real crimes
in the first place.                             	 And the national Police Federation is       affecting real people, all of which need
	 The Federation believes a national            blaming these rises on a reduction in         investigating by an ever reducing number
roll-out of Taser, and suitable training, to    officer numbers.                              of police officers.
officers would allow them to protect            	 Steve White, chairman of the Police         	 “Increasing demand continues to take
themselves.                                     Federation of England and Wales, said: “A     its toll. Two thirds of our members tell us
	 Prime Minister Theresa May, while in          continuing increase in violent crime and      they go to work despite feeling they
her previous role as Home Secretary, made       continuing reduction in police officer        shouldn’t because of their mental
it clear that whether officers have Taser is a  numbers is far from a coincidence.            wellbeing. Ultimately, without the right
decision for each Chief Constable to make.      	 “Knife crime has and continues to           support from both police leaders and the
The Federation is committed to seeking          increase. Political pressure and the          Government, it’s the public that will
Government funding should a force decide        inability for officers to do proactive        suffer.”
to roll it out.                                 patrolling, due to reactive demands, is       	 The figures are for the year ending 30
	 I am pleased that this campaign is            resulting in low levels of stop and search,   September 2016.
gathering pace. The Federation has a vital
role to play in making sure the safety and      Federation roadshow
wellbeing of its members is paramount.          heading to West Bromwich
	 Most forces across the country have
now introduced their own ‘pledge’ on            The date for the next West Midlands Police Federation Roadshow is fast approaching.
officer – and staff – assaults, committing to   	 It will take place in West Bromwich on 22 February in the Conference Room
investigating all these incidents properly      between 10am and 3pm.
and vowing to support the victims of the        	 Member services providers will be available to talk to members and discuss the
attacks. This ‘pledge’ was first launched by    services they can provide.
Hampshire Police, working in partnership        	 Officers will be able to discuss any concerns they have with Federation
with its local Federation with the branch       representatives who will be attending.
chair, John Apter, showcasing the initiative    	 Free Federation merchandise will be on hand and you can also enter a prize draw to
at the national conference in 2015.             win a £50 Amazon voucher.
	 I think the success of this initiative        	 There is no need to book just go along on the day.
nationwide shows what can be achieved           	 The roadshow is also coming to Bloxwich 5 April, Perry Barr Superblock 23 May,
when the Federation builds on good              Wolverhampton 20 June and Solihull 17 July.
practice and works in a united way for the      	 Look out for flyers locally for more information.
benefit of its members. Representatives at
that conference returned to their forces        Sign up for the eZine
and encouraged their chief officers – and
staff unions – to work with them to get         Do you want to get the latest news first?     Federation secretary, said: “The idea of
similar ‘pledges’ off the ground.               	 If so, sign up to get the West              the eZine is to keep people up to date
	 Let’s hope that this joined up approach       Midlands Police Federation eZine emailed      with the latest goings on in the
continues and the Police Federation of          straight to you. It is published every other  Federation. It gives us an opportunity to
England and Wales can succeed with this         month on alternate months to the              keep people informed with both local
campaign.                                       printed magazine.                             and national Federation news as well as
	 We all know that PFEW has had a               	 It will provide you with all the latest     Government announcements on policing
difficult few years but perhaps 2017 will be    Federation news. From local opinion on        and some more light hearted items too.”
the year that we can truly get back to doing    national issues to information on what        	 To sign up visit the Media Hub at
what is far more important than any             colleagues are up to in Force.      
internal wrangling – representing and           	 Steve Grange, West Midlands Police
looking after our members.                          federation February/March 2017 05
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