Page 13 - Federation Magazine: April/May 2018
P. 13

‘This is not finger in

       the wind guess work’

       says exasperated

       Fed chair

            olice Federation of England and Wales   agreed deadline, but if you saw the letter sent
            (PFEW) chair Calum Macleod has   by the Home Secretary to the PRRB last
       Pspoken of his ‘exasperation’ over   autumn, directing what aspects they should
       fighting for a 3.4 per cent pay increase for   focus on for this year’s pay award, you’d be
       officers.                            forgiven for thinking that the NPCC plans for   Calum Macleod, chair of the Police
          He has submitted written evidence to the   pay reform were fully developed.  Federation for England and Wales.
       Police Remuneration Review Body (PRRB)      “Whether the Home Secretary was duped
       calling for a 3.4 per cent increase in salary for   in to believing the NPCC plans were more   deadline too.
       officers and demanding the one per cent the   advanced than they are, or whether the PRRB      “Ironically, for the leaders of a profession
       Government ‘cheated us out of last year’ be   and staff associations were being set an   that concentrates on evidence, evidence is the
       consolidated and not be considered as part of   impossible task, we were invited to comment   one thing lacking to support much of the
       this year’s settlement.              on nothing more than a list of NPCC ifs, buts   NPCC’s aspirations. It’s rather like having been
          In a blog on the PFEW website he says:   and maybes. That is completely   asked to comment on the Mona Lisa when all
       “This is the fourth year that we have   unacceptable.”                   Da Vinci had drawn was hair and eyebrows.”
       submitted evidence to the PRRB, and that is      Calum also expresses his frustrations with      He concludes: “Last year, the PRRB was
       exactly what ours is – strong, well-researched   the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC)   brave and, despite the shackles set by
       evidence that takes account of the   which, he states, will probably fail to deliver   Government, put its neck on the line
       uniqueness of policing, the increasing   its written submission to the PRRB on time   recommending an overall pay uplift that was
       pressures and demands on police officers and   despite an agreed timescale.  more than the one per cent public sector pay
       inflation now and predictions for the year to      He states: “But why I was expecting   cap. This year, we ask that they be brave again.
       come. This is not finger in the wind guess   anything else? We know the annual debacle   And then Government must stop patting us
       work; our credible submissions have been   of arranging duties over Christmas, despite it   on the back with one hand, while picking our
       commented on as such by the PRRB.    being 25 December every year. And the NPCC   pockets with the other. They must honour the
          “If I sound exasperated with the situation,   is not alone – it seems the Home Office and   PRRB process and implement their
       it’s because I am. Not just because it seems   the Association of Police and Crime   recommendation in full; and give us the
       we are the only people capable of meeting an   Commissioners are likely to fail to meet the   additional one per cent consolidated pay they
                                                                                owe us from last year too.”
       Whole public sector needs pay rise

       The news that NHS staff are set to get a pay   Government treated all its workers with the   Responsibility for 2018.
       rise is a step in the right direction – but it’s   same respect and increased wages for all. If      Firefighters were offered a two per cent
       about time it was spread across the whole of   they can do it for one, they should do it for all.  basic pay increase from last July, with a
       the public sector, according to West Midlands      “Police officers, firefighters, prison officers,   potential further three per cent increase in
       Police Federation.                  teachers and the armed services have all been   line for this April. But this was rejected by
          John Williams, acting chair, said the   hit in the pocket as a result of the austerity   their union.
       Government should be increasing pay to all   measures imposed by the Government. In real      Teachers and the armed forces are still
       public sector workers who have endured   terms, they have all had a wage reduction over   waiting to hear what their pay offer will be
       years of their wages being frozen as part of   the past seven years as the price of living as   for the coming year.
       the austerity programme.            kept on rising while their wages have not.     In the last review, some of the lowest
          The NHS rise is set to be funded through      “It is justly unfair that one body is   paid teaching staff received a two per cent
       extra money from the Treasury, while any rise   rewarded in this way while the others all   pay increase - but most were kept at one per
       given to police officers and prison officers has   suffer. Yet again, it does nothing for morale at   cent.
       to be funded through their existing budget,   a time when everyone is struggling.”     Calum Macleod, chair of the Police
       meaning, more than likely, sacrifices will have      NHS staff will get an average of 6.5 per   Federation for England and Wales, said: “It is
       to be made in other areas of the budget in   cent over three years - but half of nurses will   right that NHS workers are given adequate
       order to increase the pay of officers.  receive more than that, and the lowest paid   pay for what they do but it should not be one
          John said: “I am not begrudging anyone in   NHS staff will receive pay rises of as much as   rule for one and one rule for another.
       the NHS their pay rise in the slightest – it is   29 per cent.              “There is more to the pay rise than meets
       thoroughly overdue and they do an incredibly      Meanwhile, police and prison officers have   the eye - the devil is in the detail and it
       difficult and challenging job on a daily basis.  pay offers of below the 2.4 per cent inflation   should never be at the expense of losing any
          “However, I believe it is about time the   rate forecast by the Office for Budget   holiday entitlement.”                                                   federation April/May 2018     13
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