Page 8 - Federation Magazine: April/May 2018
P. 8

Campaign continues

       Federation frustration

       at 11th hour delay

       with pursuits bill

             n 11th hour delay with a new bill   emergency response drivers to do in the   bring forward meetings with policing
             that aims to protect emergency   meantime?  How many more lives could be   minister Nick Hurd.
       Aresponse drivers is a ‘bitter       ruined going through lengthy legal      The minister had originally supported
       disappointment’ and ‘further extends the   proceedings – ultimately criminalising   the bill when it was introduced in December
       threat of prosecution to our members’,   officers for just doing their job?  but this week.
       according to Tim Rogers, deputy secretary of      “We have fought extremely hard for      At the Police Federation’s national
       West Midlands Police Federation.     more than seven years to get to this point,   conference in May last year, Chief Constable
          Tim is the national Police Federation’s   liaising with the Home Office, National   Anthony Bangham, National Police Chiefs’
       lead on pursuits and has led a campaign   Police Chiefs’ Council, MPs from all parties   Council (NPCC) lead for roads policing, gave a
       calling for a change to legislation to reflect   and many, many other stakeholders. We   firm commitment to working with the
       the advanced driving skills of emergency   finally thought the end was in sight, with a   Federation to ensure police drivers get the
       response drivers.                    workable solution which would help protect   best training and agreed that pursuit drivers
          He spoke of his frustration on learning   our 120,000 plus members from prosecution   needed better protection after the
       that the expected second reading of the   for just doing their jobs, only to have it   Federation’s campaign.
       Emergency Response Drivers (Protections)   snatched from us at the last minute.     The policing minister outlined a review
       Bill due to be discussed in Parliament on      “The Government says it ‘remains   and Home Secretary Amber Rudd told the
       Friday 16 March had been stalled. The bill,   broadly supportive of the intention behind   NPCC in November: “We’re reviewing the law
       which had been put forward by Sir Henry   the Private Members Bill’ and we know a   and practice regarding police pursuits. We
       Bellingham, MP for Norfolk, won cross-party   review is ongoing.         want to make sure officers feel they have the
       support when it came before MPs before      “But this news will be a bitter blow to   legal protection they need to go after moped
       Christmas.                           our specially-trained police drivers and the   and scooter gangs.”
          But the Government has called a halt to   other emergency services who will now face      Summing up his frustration, Tim said:
       the process until an ongoing review ‘into the   an indefinite period continuing to run the   “The minister has agreed that we need
       law and best practice regarding police   risk of possibly losing their jobs if they   appropriate changes to reflect driver
       pursuits’ was complete.              respond to a ‘blue-light’ call.”    training in law and he went further in
          Tim explained: “To get this disappointing      He added: “The Federation will also now   instructing the policing powers section of
       news just hours away from a key legislative   have to consider its position and what   the Home Office to make the necessary
       milestone, which had already secured   advice to issue to members.”      changes in further recognition of this. This
       cross-party support, is a bitter blow – and all      Tim vowed the Federation would fight   makes the position we find ourselves in now
       the more devastating.                on, calling for the Government to ‘put its   all the more upsetting and baffling.”
          “What are our members and fellow   money where its mouth is’ and seeking to

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