Page 4 - Federation Magazine: April/May 2018
P. 4
Chair’s introduction
A new role,
By John Williams, acting chair of West conference in 2014 and put forward the we have taken on board that ethos and
Midlands Police Federation motion that led to delegates voting to have made changes within the Federation
support all 36 recommendations in the office to ensure that we are working
elcome to this, my first independent review. It was a real moment efficiently and making the best use of
magazine column as acting in history. Tom was speaking for our Board members’ money.
Wchair of West Midlands Police and was an excellent leader at a time While the Federation has been tied up
Federation. when the Federation appeared to be in putting its own house in order there
I want to start by saying how proud I floundering. We wish Tom a long, happy has, of course, been no let-up in
am to have taken up this role. I am and restful retirement. Meanwhile, I will developments around the wider police
committed to serving the interests of the be trying to continue where he left off. service. The cuts to police budgets are
Federated officers who, in turn, serve our We are, I hope, at the dawn of a new certainly having the consequences we
communities and will, at all times, do my era for the Police Federation of England predicted. Rising crime is definitely an
very best to represent them. and Wales. The new regulations issue, as is the health and wellbeing of
Before sharing with you some of my necessitated by proposals from the police officers who, despite seeing their
thoughts on policing and the Federation, independent review were finally enshrined numbers plummet, put themselves under
nationally and locally, it would be remiss in legislation just before Christmas 2017 pressure to maintain an effective police
of me not to acknowledge the and we are now midway through the service for the communities they serve.
outstanding work carried out by my election process that should see us be The Federation said many years ago
predecessor, Tom Cuddeford. more representative of the membership, that enough was enough and it was time
Tom retired in the first week of April more effective and more efficient. to re-invest in policing. Its pleas fell on
and is now planning to take a well-earned The fundamental aim of the review deaf ears then and continue to do so now.
rest after leading the Federation for two was to make the Federation truly fit for Last year, in the wake of the terrorist
years, a period of immense change and purpose; something we owed to the atrocities in London and Manchester, we
considerable challenges. Tom has been a membership. Here in the West Midlands, heard politicians singing police officers’
fantastic ambassador for West Midlands
Police Federation and has always put the I am committed to serving the
welfare, health and wellbeing of the “
membership to the fore. He has worked interests of the Federated officers
incredibly hard on members’ behalf, giving
them his all and putting his heart and
soul into representing them locally,
regionally and nationally. His Federation and will, at all times, do my very
career, just like his policing career, has
been exemplary and it’s hard to pick a best to represent them.
highlight but let’s not forget it was Tom who, in turn, serve our communities “
who stood up at the Police Federation
04 federation April/May 2018