Page 32 - Federation Magazine: April/May 2018
P. 32

Officer welfare

         workshops consider

         demand and capacity

              fficer welfare was under discussion                                austerity and the steady rise of recorded
              at three workshops for senior                                      crime, it’s clear that the current situation is
       Oofficers and police leaders at Police                                    untenable and no force is immune from the
       Federation headquarters in Leatherhead.                                   results.
          The workshops, in February and March,                                     “Although there is a lot of excellent work
       came after research into the link between                                 being done to address the symptoms of poor
       demand, capacity and officer welfare. It                                  officer welfare, there is little being done to
       coincided with the publication of a new                                   address their causes; and unless we start
       report Police Officer Welfare, Demand, and                                focusing on reducing demand or improving
       Capacity Survey Inferential Results.                                      capacity, officer wellbeing will not improve.”
          “Within the Federation, we are well                                       The aim of the workshops was to gather
       aware that officers are suffering due to the                              ideas, develop practical solutions, and agree
       effects of the Government’s cuts to police                                a set of shared recommendations with a
       funding,” says John Williams, acting chair of                             broad range of stakeholders to try to address
       West Midlands Police Federation.                                          the issues raised by the Federation research.
          “They are feeling under pressure as they                                  Those attending concentrated on both
       try to respond to increased demand with                                   the causes and effects of a demand and
       reduced resource and that pressure is                                     capacity imbalance; paying particular
       causing them stress and, in some cases,                                   attention to discussions around measuring
       mental health issues.                                                     and balancing demand and capacity, as well
          “All Federation branches are reporting   Che Donald, vice-chairman of the Police   as increasing the opportunities for welfare
       their concerns in this area so I am pleased   Federation.                 training and support.
       the Federation has hosted these workshops   looking at reduced officer numbers.     The latest findings indicate that demand
       so that police leaders can actively consider      “As a result a large-scale survey on   and capacity pressures have serious
       the challenges officers are facing.  demand, capacity and welfare was     implications for the health and welfare of
          “While we are, of course, worried about   undertaken in 2016 to explore the   officers, and are contributing to the creation
       our members’ wellbeing, we are also   relationships between officers’ experience of   of a workforce that can be characterised as
       concerned about the effect the imbalance   these sorts of demand and capacity   ‘tired, tense, and targeted’.
       between demand and capacity is having on   pressures, and aspects of their overall      More specifically, officers who
       the quality of service we can offer to the   welfare,” Che explained.     experienced any of the following 11 demand
       communities we serve.”                  “After careful analysis, it is clear there are   and capacity pressures were statistically
          Che Donald, vice-chairman of the Police   several links between demand and capacity,   more likely to experience poor wellbeing in
       Federation, has highlighted that its research   and the health and wellbeing of our officers.   one or more welfare aspects measured by
       began in 2015 with members’ focus groups   Within the current context of continuing   the survey:
     “                                                                           l  Inability to meet conflicting demands on
                                                                                 l  Unpaid over-time;
                                                                                 l  Insufficient officers to do the job
                  While we are, of course, worried about
                  our members’ wellbeing, we are also
                                                                                   time at work;
                                                                                 l  High overall workload;
                  concerned about the effect the
                                                                                   standard of which to be proud;
                  imbalance between demand and                                   l  Insufficient time to do a job to a
                                                                                 l  Frequent single crewing;
                                                                                 l  Frequent neglect of tasks owing to
                  capacity is having on the quality of                           l  Frequent unrealistic time pressures;
                                                                                   having too much to do;
                  service we can offer to the                                    l  Frequent unachievable deadlines;
                                                                                 l  Frequent refusal of annual leave
                                                                                   requests and,
                  communities we serve.                           “              l  Frequent pressure to work long hours.

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