Page 30 - Federation Magazine: April/May 2018
P. 30

Inspiring officer still

       supporting others despite

       terminal cancer diagnosis

             GoFundMe page has been set up for      Debbie was first diagnosed with breast   increase in tumour size has prompted her to
             a ‘truly inspirational and brave’   cancer four days before starting her police   look for new ways to treat her cancer.
       A  serving police officer who is fighting   service in January 2003, aged 32. Following a      But she has never stopped fund-raising
       terminal cancer and has raised thousands of   mastectomy, reconstruction surgery and a   and raising awareness of cancer.
       pounds to help others with the disease.  course of radiotherapy and chemotherapy,      Debbie witnessed her mother’s fight
          Debbie Hall, who is a PC with Cumbria   Debbie resumed her policing career in   against cancer and saw the care she received
       Constabulary, needs funds to pay for   December 2003. In 2008 she tested positive   from Eden Valley Hospice which, after she
       specialised immunotherapy and potentially   for BRACA 2 gene, underwent a further   had had her own diagnosis, inspired her to
       proton therapy treatments in Germany as   mastectomy and was told there was a very   take part in events to raise money for the
       they are not available in the UK.    slim chance the cancer would return.  hospice and other local causes.
          The money raised will fund the       During 2015 she began feeling lethargic      She did events such as a coast-to-coast
       treatment, scans, medication, travel and any   and tired and further tests revealed   bike ride, Race for Life and arranged various
       other additional costs. It is estimated it will   secondary cancers in her bone and liver.   charity nights as well as doing voluntary
       cost in the region of £75,000.       Doctors told Debbie it was terminal and that   work for Macmillan Nurses where she acted
          Despite her own battle, Debbie has raised   without treatment she would have three to   as a ‘Macmillan Buddy’ providing support
       tens of thousands of pounds for cancer   six months to live.              and advice to newly diagnosed cancer
       charities since her diagnosis – with the      Following her terminal diagnosis, Debbie   patients and support for their families.
       GoFundMe page being set up to give   began to research the latest treatments and      During her visits to the Police Treatment
       something back to her and fund her   found a medical trial at Christies Hospital,   Centre at Auchterader, Debbie visited local
       treatment.                           Manchester and continued with her charity   businesses, highlighting cancer awareness
          It states: “Debbie has raised 10s of   work. However, shortly after Christmas 2017,   and asking for donations towards prizes.
       thousands for other cancer charities now   further tests revealed the tumours had      And in 2010 she organised her first
       let’s make a difference for her. Debbie’s   grown and she started having chemotherapy   annual charity ball, which over the years has
       selflessness, determination and drive in her   and a new treatment of medication.  raised thousands of pounds for cancer
       fight against cancer simply holds no limits.”     The recent decline in her health and   charities.


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