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Free debt advice
Struggling with your finances? How can
PayPlan help?
Let PayPlan help you… When you contact PayPlan, we will talk
through your finances together and review
your income and expenditure. This will be a
no-pressure conversation and our advisers
will be happy to explain everything along
est Midlands Police Federation has the way.
teamed up with the Force Once we have taken details of your
W Benevolent Fund and PayPlan to PayPlan offers a free incomings, outgoings and debt level, we will
provide a series of financial surgeries for have a good understanding of the
officers with debt problems. disposable income you have to pay towards
“We recognise the huge issue that and confidential service your debts. We will then discuss the options
serious debt can cause on individuals and available so you can decide on the debt
families,” says Steve Newbury, general By Jane Clack and we are supported by a large number solution that is best for
manager and secretary at West Midlands of creditors who pay us, in arrears, for the you.
Police Benevolent Fund. Have you ever heard of PayPlan? Many money we collect. Creditors trust us to PayPlan advises
“The Benevolent Fund has been working people confuse us with PayPal but we are put forward realistic and sustainable clients on potential GET FREE
with PayPlan for a number of years to very different… we put debts from PayPal budgets where the client will be able to solutions for their debt DEBT ADVICE
identify and direct police officers towards into PayPlan sometimes! make payments every month as they have issues. Its service is HERE TO HELP YOU TOWARDS
Whatever your concerns are when it comes
to debt, we are here to help.
professional advice. There are a number of Here at PayPlan, we advise our clients enough to live on. free, it is confidential A DEBT-FREE FUTURE.
Talk to a member of our team today or check
out our helpful articles and guides online.
officers at this time who are seeking and on potential solutions for their debt issues. We would not recommend a debt WHY CHOOSE and there is no
working to take some control of their debt Our service is free, it is confidential and management plan if the disposable A debt adviser who knows what obligation. PayPlan’s
issues with the assistance of PayPlan but we there is no obligation. Our job is to put our income was not realistic to do this. It is an At PayPlan, we help over 100,000 people job is to put its clients
know there are more officers and police staff clients in a position where they can make informal arrangement between you and every year with confidential advice and in a position where
personalised debt solutions.
out there who need help. an informed decision on what steps they your creditors and we act as the it’s like to be in financial difficulty they can make an
Here’s our commitment to you.
Contact us:
We will:
“We are offering individual and strictly want to take. distributing intermediary. We currently • Offer free, non-judgemental help and support informed decision on
Call our team on 0800 072 1206
confidential appointments here at Guardians If we can be of help by offering a have more than 60,000 debt PayPlan’s point of something that can be done but the earlier what steps they want
• Provide you with a simple, stress-free process
Follow us on social media:
• Offer you the best solution to suit
House to those who want to take that first structured plan we are happy to do so but management plans in place. contact for the West it is done the better.” your circumstances to take. @PayPlan
Regulated by the
• Work with you the way you want to - by email,
step and get some help and advice.” the choice is always up to the client. If a debt would take a long time to Midlands Police Jane has been paying £900 per month to PayPlan is a trading name of Totemic Limited. Totemic Limited is a limited company
WhatsApp or over the phone
registered in England, Company Number: 2789854.
Appointments are available on the Regulated by the Financial Conduct repay we can look at Individual Voluntary Benevolent Fund is Jane her credit cards – never missed a payment, Financial Conduct
Registered Office: Kempton House, Dysart Road, PO Box 9562, Grantham, Lincolnshire
NG31 0EA. Totemic Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
(FCA). FCA Number: 681263. Totemic, the Totemic logo, PayPlan and the PayPlan Logo are
all trademarks of Totemic Limited.
following dates: Authority, our trained advisers will go Arrangements (IVAs). These are fixed term Clack, an experienced always paid well before the date due and Authority, trained
Wednesday 30 October through a financial statement in the way plans where you pay back a proportion of and qualified money always at least £100 more than the advisers go through
Thursday 31 October, and that is easiest for you which can be through the debt and the rest is written off. They adviser. minimum contractual payment for any debt. a financial statement in the way that is
Friday 1 November. our digital tool, through a pack you can are a form of insolvency. Legally binding She has worked for She had started getting letters about being easiest for clients which can be through its
complete and return or over the telephone. arrangements, they are not suitable for PayPlan for nearly 20 in persistent debt and the extra payments digital tool, through a pack they can
October We advise on budgeting, income everyone. Although there are fees for this years and has had debt Jane Clack. they were asking for were less than she was complete and return or over the telephone.
October November maximisation and debt solutions such as service, as you are paying for the issues in the past already paying. They advise on budgeting, income
30 31 1 debt management plans, individual insolvency practitioner’s expertise in which she was able to address after she is a money adviser, she finally took her maximisation and debt solutions such as
However, it was a wake-up call and, as
debt management plans, individual
voluntary arrangements and bankruptcy.
contacting PayPlan. She found the help so
writing off debt and protecting assets, it
We look at the disposable income and would be taken from your disposable great she joined the company! own advice and went to the bank to talk voluntary arrangements and bankruptcy.
advise on all potential options, income and only comes into play if the IVA She has the Certificate in Money Advice about consolidation and is now paying £356 They look at the disposable income and
Please contact the Benevolent Fund at recommending which we feel is the best for is approved. Again, at present, we have Practice from the Institute of Money for five years when she will then have repaid advise on all potential options
Guardians House on 0121 752 4919 to book the particular circumstances but also nearly 20,000 IVAs running. Advisers and the Certificate of Proficiency in all the debt. recommending which they feel is the best
an appointment or for more information. explaining why we are not recommending The Benevolent Fund has leaflets Personal Insolvency. Debt advice is her hobby She says: “So, you can see sometimes it for the particular circumstances but also
others. explaining the pros and cons of each as well as her day to day job and she is also pays to look outside the box. However, these explain why they are not recommending
In a debt management plan, every solution but we would always explain the chair of the Institute of Money Advisers, credit cards are now destroyed as others.
penny you pay into the plan goes to paying these in our advice letter and when we the only professional organisation for debt temptation always lurks!” In a debt management plan every penny
your debts. There is no fee for this service talk to you. advisers in the UK. Jane does financial statements with you pay into the plan goes to paying your
“Being in debt is something no-one ever clients over the telephone but she also debts.
chooses to do – we all spend up to our comes to the Federation and Benevolent What are the benefits of PayPlan’s advice?
income so any change in this can lead to Fund’s offices at Guardians House to meet l Reduced money worries
problems,” Jane explains, “Over-time being clients individually as sometimes clients feel l Help towards a debt-free future
withdrawn, illness – affecting either yourself more secure with a face to face consultation. l Potential of reduced creditor calls when
or your partner, which goes on a long time, She is friendly, non-judgmental and in a debt solution
loss of income – all these things can lead to always has the client’s interests uppermost. l Confidential advice
difficulties but most of us believe that Private appointments mean that clients can l Friendly, non-judgemental advisers
something will turn up and delay doing meet Jane and start the process knowing l Tailored debt solutions
anything until the small problem seems who she is as it is often quite daunting to l Secure online account management if
insurmountable. picking up the telephone to start getting you enter a plan with us.
“That is never the case – there is always things sorted out. Continued on Page 31
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