Page 13 - WMPF Federation Aug-Sept 2018flip_Neat
P. 13

‘Time for police to bite back’

                                               “For far too long police officers have      “They are the bravest. They are the
                                            been taken advantage of. Pay and    best,” he explained.
                                            conditions, ‘reform’ of the service, huge      John intends to push the
                                            budget cuts, and outrageous slurs and   Government to centrally fund Taser,
                                            media soundbites. The Government has   wants to see better protection for police
                                            been kicking us for years. There comes a   drivers and also wants to start a debate
                                            point where we must bite back, that time   on employment rights for police officers.
                                            has come,” he said.                    “Other areas I want to focus on
                                               And he added: “Whilst we must have a   include Special Constables joining the
                                            relationship with the Home Office, chief   Federation, the ongoing wellbeing of
                                            officers and the College of Policing, I do not   colleagues and reviewing the ‘free half
                                            want to be their friend. I will hold them to   hour for the Queen’. I will be making
                                            account to make sure they act in my   myself as visible as possible, both to
                                            members best interests. That begins   members across England and Wales and
                                            tomorrow when I start my role as national   to local Federations,” he said.
         John Apter, new national chair of the   chair.                            And he concluded: “So, it will be a
         Police Federation of England and Wales.     “I have a long list of priorities. At the top   busy few months and years ahead. Every
                                            of the list will always be pay and conditions.   day is important, and I am determined to
         The time has come for police officers to   Following the contemptible and disgraceful   make a difference. We have been
         bite back after years of being kicked by a   actions of the Government this year over   shouting about the consequence of cuts
         Government that has its head firmly   our pay award – and let’s be frank, over the   to policing for years and have been
         buried in the sand when it comes to the   past seven or eight years – we have some   labelled scaremongers for doing so. We
         impact of cuts, according to the new   significant decisions to make. The disdain   need to be more passionate, persuasive
         national chair of the Police Federation of   and contempt shown to police officers in   and proactive, and we must take our
         England and Wales.                 England and Wales must end.”        message to the public who, in the main,
            And John Apter has vowed to take a      John, who has been chair of Hampshire   support policing.”
         tough stance when negotiating on   Police Federation since 2010, says he is      Two candidates put themselves
         members’ behalf after becoming the first   ‘honoured and humbled’ to have been   forward for the role of chair with John
         national chair to be chosen through an   elected to lead the Federation and proud to   standing against Phill Matthews, the
         election in which members across the   be a police officer, saying officers are   national conduct lead.
         country could all take part.       ordinary people doing an extraordinary job.

           Chair’s election statement
                                                                He continues: “I will never shy away from fighting for what is
           John Apter says that being passionate about fairness was one of   right for those I represent. I have successfully campaigned for
           the reasons he joined Hampshire Constabulary in December   the full roll-out of Taser and spit guards for all officers across
           1992.                                             Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
              It was also behind is decision to become a Fed rep; he      “As national chair I will give you your voice back. Employment
           wanted to ensure colleagues were treated fairly and received   rights for police officers is a contentious issue but over the years
           the respect they deserved.                        I have seen the gradual erosion of Police Regulations. I want an
              Before taking on the Hampshire Federation chair’s role, he   open and honest debate about what you want, your views
           was a uniformed front-line officer working in response, roads   matter and will be taken forward. I will work closely with local
           policing and on a specialist team investigating road deaths. He   Federations and will be a very visible national chair, working
           also spent some time as a family liaison officer, a role he found   alongside colleagues, across England and Wales, to make sure
           incredibly rewarding.                             your voice is heard.
              In an election statement put out to members, he explains:      “The national Federation needs to stop focusing on itself and
           “In my time as local chair, I have ensured the voice of our officers   focus on what is important, which is YOU, the member. I do not
           has been at the heart of everything we do. I worked tirelessly to   just talk about issues, I have been active in my force and have a
           create the Seven-Point Plan to ensure officers and staff   proven track record of putting my money where my mouth is,
           assaulted at work are treated as victims and given the support   fighting for our officers to make sure the reality of policing is
           they deserve. The plan has been adopted by almost every force   made public. I am passionate about policing and the welfare of
           across England and Wales and some forces overseas. The   our officers.”
           Metropolitan Police have adopted the plan and called it      He tells officers: “This is the first time members have been
           Operation Hampshire.                              able to vote for their national chair. This is your opportunity to
              “The work I started has been adopted by the Police   make a difference. The PFEW must respond to what the
           Federation of England and Wales, becoming the Protect the   members need. It is time for change. Please vote for me and help
           Protectors campaign, of which I am incredibly proud.”  me to make that change happen.”
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