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Police Bravery Awards
Brave duo honoured at Police Bravery Awards
wo West Midlands officers who Acting swiftly and bravely, PC Meede
were threatened with a gun were grabbed hold of the shotgun barrel and
Thonoured at this year’s Police Bravery pulled the gun away from the man, while
Awards. PC Jones grabbed him round the neck
PC Lee Jones and PC Richard Meede, who to subdue him and prevent him doing
are both based at Coventry Central, attended anything further.
a reception at 10 Downing Street hosted by He was arrested, handcuffed and taken
police minister Nick Hurd with nominees into custody. On later examination, the
from forces across England and Wales. shotgun was found to be loaded with
They were also among the guests cartridges. The defendant was found not
of honour at a gala dinner and awards guilty at trial.
ceremony attended by Home Secretary Sajid Inspector Lucy Bird said: “This was an
Javid and Mr Hurd. extremely serious incident, which could
The pair were on duty during the late have resulted in devastating consequences.
evening of Saturday 29 April 2017 when The officers showed extraordinary bravery,
a call came in from a woman who was quick thinking and fortitude in dealing with
concerned about the welfare of a man living this.
in Beacon Road, Coventry. “Both officers demonstrated courage
The caller stated the man had recently and professionalism and the incident
suffered a bereavement and she was clearly involved a significant risk to their
concerned as he had been drinking and was personal safety. Their actions went far
a shotgun licence holder. She believed he beyond the call of duty and demonstrate
may have taken his gun out of the cabinet. the very best of response policing.”
The caller confirmed to call handling After trial, the judge commented that
staff that no threats had been made to the officer’s swift actions made it very
any party and that the man had not been difficult to establish intent and it was this
aggressive or given any indication of being swift action that undoubtedly saved his
suicidal or having self-harm tendencies. life. He stated the verdict took nothing
Police checks showed the man had no away from the bravery of the officers and
previous police history for firearms and was commented that he was impressed by the
not known to mental health services. quality of evidence offered.
Therefore, the log was assessed and l This year was the 23rd Bravery Awards.
deemed suitable for Force response officers Two officers from the Metropolitan Police
to attend to conduct a safe and well check. were named as joint overall winners of this
At 11.40pm, PC Meede and PC Jones year’s national Police Bravery Award.
attended the address and the man opened PC Keith Palmer GM, who died in the terror
the front door to the officers to allow them attack in Westminster last year, and PC
in to his property. He then walked into his Charlie Guenigault, who when off-duty
living room, picked up a double-barrelled fought the terrorists at London Bridge and
shotgun and turned towards the officers was critically injured while protecting the
with the gun in his hand pointing at them.
public, were honoured at the ceremony.
Both officers demonstrated courage
and professionalism and the incident
clearly involved a significant risk to
their personal safety. Their actions
went far beyond the call of duty and
demonstrate the very best of response
policing. “
Outside 10 Downing Street are PC Richard Meede (left) and PC Lee Jones.
18 federation August/September 2018