Page 8 - WMPF Federation JUNE-JULY 2019-flip_Neat
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Campaign timeline

                  Tim Rogers, deputy secretary         The Home Office announces a   law and best practice regarding police
                  of West Midlands Police              review of the law and     pursuits’ was complete.
        2016                                 2017
                  Federation and the Police            guidance surrounding police      Tim explained: “To get this disappointing
          May     Federation of England and   October  pursuits and response driving   news just hours away from a key legislative
                  Wales (PFEW) lead on                 after the hard-fought     milestone, which had already secured
       response driving, tells delegates at the   Federation campaign.           cross-party support, is a bitter blow – and all
       national Police Federation conference in      Police minister Nick Hurd confirms the   the more devastating. What are our
       Bournemouth: “Emergency response drives   review will involve the Federation, the   members and fellow emergency response
       and pursuits are still measured against the   Department for Transport, the Department   drivers to do in the meantime? How many
       standard of the careful and competent   of Health, the Attorney General’s Office and   more lives could be ruined going through
       driver. You know, the driver that doesn’t drive   the IPCC, as well as the relevant national   lengthy legal proceedings – ultimately
       above the speed limit, through red traffic   policing leads, representatives of the other   criminalising officers for just doing their
       lights, respond to incidents?        emergency services and groups representing   job?”
          “In my Force, there are around 2,500   other road users.
       immediate response incidents each week                                              Federation members across
       – that’s 2,500 occasions when police drivers   Norfolk MP Sir Henry       2018      England and Wales were
       put themselves at risk of prosecution as they   Bellingham puts forward his         encouraged to lobby their local
       go about their duties serving the public of   2017  Private Members’ Bill in the   April  MPs to call on them to support
       the West Midlands.”                  December  House of Commons which               the pursuits bill so it can make
          He continues: “We are not being             could lead to a change in the   its way through Parliament.
       alarmist, and I concede that prosecutions in   law surrounding police drivers.     The Federation campaign on the issue
       context are few and far between. But spare a      Sir Henry introduced his Emergency   also led to Tim writing a blog for the
       thought for Officer Few and Far Between   Response Drivers (Protections) Ten-Minute   national Federation website ahead of the
       who is mendaciously pursued through the   Rule Bill on 20 December, and won cross-  planned second reading of the bill on 16
       criminal court only to be acquitted one, two,   party support.            March which was then cancelled.
       three or four years later and then told ‘you                                 He wrote: “Current legislation leaves
       were just doing your job’.                                                police officers and other emergency service
          “We are merely pointing out what our                                   responders vulnerable. This is because there
       members, chief officers, MPs and the public                               are no exemptions in the current legislation
       need to know. There is a flaw in the system,                              that take into account the high level of
       and a risk to our members - and the public.”                              specialised training officers are given. All are
          “I am sure the public would expect police                              measured against the common standard of
       officers to use their skills and                                          a non-trained ‘competent and careful driver’.
       professionalism to respond as quickly as                                  According to the law, ‘dangerous driving’
       possible to a call for assistance; they do not                            includes speeding, ignoring traffics signals,
       expect us to be obstructed by legislation.”                               or overtaking dangerously. Officers can also
                                                                                 be held liable for causing others to drive
                  The Police Federation steps                                    dangerously. Talk about trying to do your job
                  up its campaign for a change                                   with one hand tied behind your back!”
        2016      in the law to protect police                                      And he added: “The bill is categorically
         Autumn   drivers following the                                          not a charter for blue light drivers to act
                  presentation on the issue to                                   irresponsibly. We would never endorse that.
       the annual conference earlier in the year.                                We only seek to protect our officers and
                                                                                 other blue light responders who are
                  As part of the campaign for a                                  following their training and exercising their
                  change in the law, Tim seeks                                   professional judgment. They already do a
        2017      the support of the National   Sir Henry Bellingham.            difficult job under stressful circumstances
         February  Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC)                                 and they deserve our support and that of
                  lead for pursuits – who has          An 11th hour delay with the   the law.”
       said he would only support a partial change   2018  new bill is described as a
       in the law.                                     ‘bitter disappointment’ and         Tim gives no more than a
                                              March    ‘further extends the threat of      ‘cautious welcome’ to news
                  The Police Federation of             prosecution to our members’,   2018  that the Government is to
                  England and Wales writes to   according to Tim.                  May     consult on proposed changes
        2017      all of its members to remind      He spoke of his frustration on learning   to the law in relation to
         Summer   them that ‘there are no legal   the expected second reading of the   trained pursuits drivers.
                  exemptions from the offences   Emergency Response Drivers (Protections)      Yet, while he said the announcement
       of careless or dangerous driving’ for officers   Bill due to be discussed in Parliament on   was a step in the right direction, he voiced
       responding to calls for help from the public.  Friday 16 March had been stalled. The bill,   concern over the amount of time it was
          The letter was sent to more than   which had been put forward by Sir Henry   taking to reduce the threat of prosecution
       120,000 Federation members across England   Bellingham, won cross-party support when   for officers in pursuit of dangerous threats.
       and Wales and was intended to correct the   it came before MPs before Christmas 2017.     “This has been an issue we have been
       assumption, also held by many members of      But the Government has called a halt to   campaigning on now for seven years, and
       the public, that police officers can break   the process until an ongoing review ‘into the   although it is a positive step that the
       traffic rules.

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