Page 13 - WMPF Federation JUNE-JULY 2019-flip_Neat
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a more timely way but there is a still a long                            operate but many changes for good either
       way to go – there are still many examples of                             can’t be made or are very slow to happen due
       officers being under investigation for years                             to all the red tape, rules and regulations. And
       - and it only needs the wrong change at the                              then there are individuals in the Force, the
       top of a force, PSD or the IOPC for any                                  Federation - and in Government - who seek
       progress made to be reversed very quickly                                only to promote themselves and their own
          “There will also be a return to the                                   misguided views and ideas, while making
       potential sanction of ‘reduction in rank’                                zero impact or worse having an adverse effect
       though I’m not sure this is fair to constables                           on the the world of policing, which helps
       who, for obvious reasons, can’t be subject to                            neither the Force, its officers or the public we
       this. The use of this sanction will have to be                           serve.
       closely monitored.                                                          “The other major challenge has been to
          “I genuinely hope chief constables, PSDs                              attempt to influence PSD and the IOPC
       and the IOPC buy in to this. Recently our Force                          decision-makers to adhere to the law and
       and PSD have moved in the right direction                                regulations, to be consistent in their decision-
       towards the NPCC approved ‘ethos’ of the                                 making and to make objective decisions
       2019 regulations even though they haven’t                                based on all the available evidence - as
       been implemented yet. Sadly, experience has                              opposed to subjective decisions based on
       shown over the years that it only needs a                                assumptions and conjecture.
       certain type of senior manager to lead PSD or   John Tooms early in his career.     “Managing expectations is another key
       the IOPC and all the progress made towards a      “I also remember being criticised by a   challenge for any rep and one that is
       learning culture can swiftly be reversed to one   senior manager for supporting my officers/  sometimes difficult to explain and get right.”
       of blame and suspicion.”            team during a PDR and I quote ‘I have      While he is leaving the Force at a time
          John’s policing career began in Class   concerns you have a greater loyalty to your   when he is hopeful the conduct regulations
       10/90E in October 1990. Leicestershire Police   officers than to the organisation’.  will finally be fit for purpose and that the
       and civil engineering’s loss was West      “And then, of course, I was subject to a   IOPC and PSD adhere to them, John also
       Midlands Police’s gain.             malicious and unjustified complaint which   genuinely welcomes the current Chief
          He had wanted to join Leicestershire   meant I was under investigation by PSD for   Constable’s drive for the Force to be more
       Police Cadets when he was 16 but, since they   six months.               diverse, inclusive and representative of the
       weren’t recruiting, he stayed on at school and      “Another frustration was having my team   communities it serves.
       eventually got a civil engineering HND and   disbanded for no other reason than to assist      He is also not the first to argue that the
       degree at Trent Polytechnic.        others officers’ promotion applications and   police service itself is facing a crisis and will
          His first police posting were in the G2 D   aspirations.              continue to struggle to meet all the demands
       Unit at Wednesfield and then Bilston where      “And then in recent years I have witnessed   placed on it if there is not a significant
       he started his first independent foot patrol.   first-hand the negative effects long   increase in funding and investment.
       His career threw up a number of highlights.  investigations have on officers and their      “For the Government to say reducing
          He recalls: “I have worked with lots of   families.”                  police funding hasn’t led to a rise in crime is,
       amazing, hard-working, committed people      While reluctant to name a single person   quite frankly, outrageous and total nonsense,”
       who I won’t embarrass by naming - including   or a number of people he most admires in   John said.
       one or two at PSD (!), having an attachment   policing, he instead says he is full of respect      He is now planning to take some
       to AO1 and getting promoted to sergeant -   for the police officers who work hard and do   well-earned time off to travel, relax, spend
       ‘the best rank in the job’ according to the   their very best for the public and in support of   time with his family (and go fishing!) but
       then Chief Constable Ron Hadfield and I have   their colleagues in very difficult and   knows he will greatly miss ‘the vast majority
       to agree – were all high points.    sometimes challenging circumstances.  of people’ he has worked with. After six
          “Leading a small team at the Merry Hill      He has enjoyed supporting members with   months’ ‘rest’, he plans to look for part-time
       Shopping Centre was also a pivotal moment   genuine issues, ‘sparring’ with supervisors   work away from policing.
       and then becoming a Fed rep and being able   and managers – ‘especially when you’re right’,      But he can rest assured that he has left a
       to make a real difference to the lives of   working alongside other Fed reps, some of   Force and Federation legacy of which he can
       members and sometimes their families.”  whom are committed and highly motivated   be proud.
          But, of course, there were also a number   and who regularly put members’ interests      “I’m happy that the CaPLO Committee
       of low points, most significantly the loss of   before their own, and working closely with a   (discipline reps) I leave is in a position to
       serving colleagues and friends Mick Swindells   number of solicitors, legal reps and barristers   continue to professionally and competently
       in 2004 and Mick Chapman in 2014.   who, he recognises, have regularly gone the   represent our members, sometimes at their
          He also came to the realisation, very early   extra mile to help and support officers.  greatest time of need,” John said.
       in his career, that if a supervisor doesn’t like      But, John acknowledges, the role has not      “I know that the full-timers now leading
       you they can make your life and career very   been without its challenges.  the committee, George McDonnell, Dave
       difficult.                             “There’s the old saying – ‘Accept the   Hadley and Alan O’Shea, will more than
          “Through no fault of my own, I was   things you cannot change, have the courage   continue the successful legacy of previous
       unfairly criticised by a certain supervisor who,   to change the things you can – and have the   leads. A professional and competent CaPLO
       after I challenged them back, made it their   wisdom to know the difference. This has been   Committee not only supports its Federation
       goal to make my first two years as   very true throughout my career and I haven’t   members but also ensures fairness and
       uncomfortable as possible. Fortunately, I had   always got it right,” he explains.  transparency for everyone – the police and
       great support from my team supervision and      “As with all large institutions, there have   the public it serves - while holding PSD and
       I completed my probation successfully,” John   been major frustrations with how things (the   the IOPC to account – long may this
       said.                               police and the Federation) are managed and   continue.”                                                  federation June/July 2019      13
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